Friday, May 1, 2020

Pokémon X and Y: How to get every Mega Evolution

There aren't that many Mega Evolutions in Pokémon X and Y, but there are probably more than you think, making it even more difficult to catch ’em all.

In order for a Pokémon to undergo a Mega Evolution, it needs to be holding a Mega Stone appropriate to its type, and the trainer needs to be wearing the Mega Ring. If both conditions are met and the Pokémon is able to mega evolve, then you can select the option from within a battle to trigger the Mega Evolution. 

Only one Pokémon can mega evolve during a battle, but that isn’t too bad of a limit considering the game’s random encounters run rampant, and triggering a Link Battle is easy enough. Each available Mega Evolution is listed below along with its corresponding Mega Stone location.

  • Mega Venusaur: If Bulbasaur is chosen as your second starter, it comes with its Mega Stone, Venusaurite. If not, you can pick it up at Vernal Avenue Stone Emporium in Lumiose City.

  • Mega Charizard X and Y: If Charmander is chosen as your second second, it comes with its Mega Stone, Charizardite X or Y. If not, you can pick it up at Vernal Avenue Stone Emporium in Lumiose City.

  • Mega Blastoise: If Squirtle is chosen as your second starter, it comes with its Mega Stone, Blastoisinite. If not, you can pick it up at Vernal Avenue Stone Emporium in Lumiose City.

  • Mega Alakazam: You can find this stone, Alakazite, in the Reflecting Cave, floor B3F, during the post-game.

  • Mega Gengar: You will be given this stone, Gengarite, in Laverre City.

  • Mega Kangaskhan: You can find this stone, Kangaskhanite, in the Glittering Cave during the post-game.

  • Mega Pinsir: You can find this stone, Pinsirite, in the Santalune Forest during the post-game. It is exclusive to Pokémon X.

  • Mega Gyarados: You can find this stone, Gyaradosite, in Couriway Town during the post-game.

  • Mega Aerodactyl: You will be given this stone, Aerodactylite, in Ambrette Town.

  • Mega Mewtwo X and Y: Mewtwo is holding this stone, Mewtwonite X or Y, upon capture. He’s located in a cave in the Pokémon Village that requires Surf to access.

  • Mega Ampharos: You will be given this stone, Ampharosite, in Azure Bay.

  • Mega Scizor: You can find this stone, Scizorite, in the Frozen Cavern located behind Abomasnow.

  • Mega Heracross: You can find this stone, Heracronite, in Santalune Forest during the post-game. It is exclusive to Pokémon Y.

  • Mega Houndoom: You can find this stone, Houndoomite, in Route 16 during the post-game. It is Pokémon Y exclusive.

  • Mega Tyranitar: You can find this stone, Tyranitarite, in the Cyllage Gym during the post-game. It is Pokémon X exclusive.

  • Mega Blaziken: When you get Torchic from the event giveaway, it’ll come with this stone, Blazikenite.

  • Mega Gardevoir: In the Lumiose City southern boulevard cafe, you can trade for a Ralts. The Ralts holds this stone, Gardevoirite.

  • Mega Mawile: You can find this stone, Mawilite, in Shabbneau Castle during the post-game.

  • Mega Aggron: You can find this stone, Aggronite, in the Cyllage Gym during the post-game. It is Pokémon Y exclusive.

  • Mega Medicham: You will be given this stone, Medichamite, in Laverre City during the post-game.

  • Mega Manectric: You can find this stone, Manectite, on Route 16 during the post-game. It is Pokémon X exclusive.

  • Mega Banette: You can find this stone, Banettite, in the Cave of Emptiness during the post-game.

  • Mega Absol: You will be given this stone, Absolite, in Kiloude City during the post-game.

  • Mega Garchomp: You can find this stone, Garchompite, on Victory Road during the post-game.

  • Mega Lucario: You can find this stone, Lucarionite, held by the Lucario gifted to you in the game. You can turn down this Lucario, but if you want the stone and not the critter, just set the Pokémon free after you take its stone.

  • Mega Abomasnow: You will be given this stone, Abomasite, at the Frozen Cave where you obtain Abomasnow.

  • So, while Pokémon X and Y technically has every single Pokémon since the series inception, it only has a handful of Mega Evolutions. However, since the mechanic has now been introduced, it’s safe to assume subsequent installments in the franchise will build upon the new evolution mechanic. It would probably be best to evolve ’em all this time around, so you can fill out your Pokédex now and not have to worry about it in later installments.

    This story originally appeared on Geek.

    New Pokémon Clothes Launch In Japan, Social Distancing Goes Out The Window

    Kotaku EastEast is your slice of Asian internet culture, bringing you the latest talking points from Japan, Korea, China and beyond. Tune in every morning from 4am to 8am.

    A state of emergency has been declared in Japan, but new Pokémon threads have gone on sale at GU clothing stores in Japan, with folks lining up for them.

    At stores in Japan, such as supermarkets, there are now markers so people can ensure they are far enough apart from each other while they line up. But many of those waiting for the Pocket Monster shirts seem to be closer than they should be.

    Via Hachima, as we can see from these photos of GU stores across the country, folks are lining up—probably when they should not be. Have a look:

    G/O Media may get a commission

    Thursday, April 30, 2020

    Wednesday, April 29, 2020

    'Pokémon Go' Battle League Season 2 Announced: Complete Schedule and Changes

    Niantic and the Pokémon Company have announced that the second season of the Pokémon Go Battle League will begin May 1.

    After the first season, Niantic is looking to make changes and improvements to the battle system and the rewards. Niantic has confirmed that new changes will be implemented that will focus on the ranking system, encounters, rewards and more.

    Trainers will also be able to participate in Trainer Battles via a QR Code, regardless of the friendship level or distance. This will allow trainers to battle anyone from anywhere.

    With the Pokémon Go Battle League Season 2 about to begin, here's everything players need to know to prepare, including the schedule and the changes.


    Season 2 of the Pokémon Go Battle League will rotate between the three leagues: the Great League, the Ultra League and the Master League. The schedule below shows when each league format will be available:

  • The Great League will run from Friday, May 1, at 4 p.m. to Monday, May 25, at 4p.m. EDT.
  • The Ultra League will run from Monday, May 25, at 4 p.m. to Monday, June 15, at 4 p.m. EDT.
  • The Master League will run from Monday, June 15, at 4 p.m. to Monday, June 29, 2020, at 4 p.m. EDT.
  • In addition, the Premier Cup format will be running concurrently with the Master League. In this format, there is no Combat Power limit, but Legendary Pokémon and Mythical Pokémon are not eligible to participate.
  • All three leagues and the Premier Cup will be available from Monday, June 29, at 4 p.m. to Monday, July 6, at 4 p.m. EDT.
  • Immediately after Season 2, Season 3 of the Pokémon Go Battle League will begin on Monday, July 6, at 4 p.m. EDT. More details on that will come closer to the start date.


    Niantic has confirmed that the reward system will be changed slightly. Trainers can now earn a Pokémon reward encounter after their third win on the basic rewards track or after their first win on the premium rewards track.

    More wins are now required to get to ranks 4-7, making it more difficult to rank up and incentivizing players to continue battling during the new season.

    Here are the guaranteed reward encounters at each rank:

  • Stunfisk starting at rank 4
  • Rufflet starting at rank 8
  • Scraggy starting at rank 9
  • If you reach rank 10, you'll earn a new avatar pose.
  • Trainers who finish the Pokémon Go Battle League Season 2 at rank 7 or higher will receive an Elite Fast TM, rather than an Elite Charged TM. The rest of the end-of-season rewards will stay the same as in Season 1.

    Aside from the changes to the ranking system and rewards, Trainer Battles will also be changed.

    The aforementioned requirements to challenge trainers via QR Code are changed, but trainers whose friendship level is at Good or Great can now challenge their friends instead of waiting to become Ultra or Best friends.

    Also, the following attacks have been updated:

  • Drill Run - Its energy requirement has been reduced.
  • Moonblast - Its energy requirement and damage have both been reduced, and it now has a chance to lower the opponent's Attack stat.
  • Wild Charge - Its energy requirement has been reduced, its damage has been increased, and it now has a chance to sharply lower the user's Defense stat.
  • To go along with these attack changes, Palkia can now learn Aqua Tail, a move it couldn't before. Aqua Tail is a powerful Water-type Charged Attack.

    What do you think of the upcoming season of the Pokémon Go Battle League? Let us know in the comments section.

    'Pokémon Go' rolls out remote raids

    Location-based game "Pokémon Go" continues adapting to the era of home confinement with a premium Remote Raid Pass.

    "Pokémon Go" players can continue to tackle some of the game's toughest opponents -- and continue to drop money into the mobile app -- through a new Remote Raid Pass.

    The pass, an optional purchase for the free Android and iOS game, allows players to access Raid Battles taking place nearby without having to travel to a specific spot.

    In this way they can join up to 19 other players in taking on one of the game's more fearsome creatures.

    Players can earn a complimentary Raid Pass each day from a virtual Gym location, though Premium Raid Passes offer greater versatility.

    Niantic, the game's developer, is promoting the Remote Raid feature with a roster of returning Pokémon on a three-week rotation.

    Found within the most challenging five-star rated Remote Raids will be Darkrai (April 28 - May 5), Altered Forme Giratina (May 5 - May 12) and Virizion.

    Each week begins and ends at 8pm UTC.

    In outlining the design of Remote Raids earlier in the month, Niantic suggested that the feature could remain part of the "Pokémon GO" experience during a period of deconfinement or beyond.

    "At launch, Trainers battling in raids remotely will have the same attack power as Trainers who are able to battle at the raid location in person. At a later time, the attack power for Trainers battling remotely will be reduced. Afterward, a Trainer battling at the raid location in person will have higher attack power than a Trainer battling remotely."

    Earlier in the year, estimates from analysis firm Sensor Tower showed that as preventative measures spread around the world in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, "Pokémon Go" experienced its best week of the year to date.

    With global revenue of $23m USD, players spent 66% more than the previous week's $13m and 35% more than the 2020's previous high, $17m in earl y February.

    Niantic has been swift to tweak its game to take into account the stay-at-home orders that would otherwise have prevented players from engaging with the traditional "Pokémon Go" experience, making it easier for them to get involved from a distance.

    Tuesday, April 28, 2020

    'Pokemon Go' Rumors: Throwback Challenge 2020 Reaching Players Shocks Niantic

  • Niantic figuring out how the "Throwback Challenge 2020: Kanto Research" made its way to some players
  • "Throwback Challenge 2020: Kanto Research" event will last until May 7
  • Players already playing "Throwback Challenge 2020: Kanto Research" will not be included in the official launch
  • Niantic confirms that there is something new ahead for "Pokemon Go" players with the "Throwback Challenge 2020: Kanto" research. The only problem is that this event is not yet scheduled for release and yet it has reached some trainers. The reason behind the leak remains unknown. Regardless some players have already reportedly started the Field Research Tasks, one that involves trying to catch MewTwo.

    Niantic apologized for the confusion as they have yet to determine the cause of the hiccup. Event details will be following soon but "Pokemon Go" players who were lucky enough to get it can start the tasks. Once the official release of the event is made, players who already got it will no longer receive it again per a Twitter post.

    "Trainers, research was released to some Trainers ahead of schedule," Niantic said in a statement. "The event details will be released shortly, meanwhile Trainers who received this research can complete it now but won't receive it again. Sorry for the confusion!"

    The "Throwback Challenge 2020: Kanto" research is a nine-part Field Research that will allow players to come across a rare Pokemon in Kanto. It is the latest offering from Niantic following the release of similar events in the past. Among the rate Pokemon who were released before including Lapras, Nidoking, Dratini, and Aerodactyl.

    It turns out that Niantic had disabled the research temporarily before forcibly returning it since there were players who already had access. As of this writing, Niantic has yet to announce the official date when the "Throwback Challenge 2020: Kanto" will be made available to "Pokemon Go" players. However, Serebii claims that the event will be out soon and will last only until May 7.

    Niantic may have overlooked the fact that the volume of players likely to be back on "Pokemon Go" has ballooned. This was discussed in a previous post, explaining how the number of augmented reality players is likely to boom with most have nothing better to do.

    Though "Pokemon Go" is a game that usually requires movement, game developers made some tweaks by increasing spawns and urging players to use incense to attract pocket monsters to come to them. The only question is which among the Pokemon will be popping up and if there will be a difference when one plays the game from different regions.

    Pokémon Sun And Moon Mewtwo Pokémon Go's new update is expected to finally bring out the Mewtwo Pokémon . Pictured: A man plays "Pokémon Go" by Hoan Kiem Lake in Hanoi, Vietnam, Aug.18, 2016. Photo: REUTERS/Kham

    Pokémon Go: How to use a Remote Raid Pass

    Niantic has added the ability to do raids remotely to Pokémon Go.

    To participate in a remote raid, you'll have to be able to see the gym on your map. You can find raids happening close to your location by using the Nearby button. Players will also be able to raid at gyms if they have Pokémon defending that gym, no matter how far away it is. You'll also need a Remote Raid Pass, which is a completely separate item from normal Raid Passes.

    A set of three Remote Raid Passes can be bought from the shop for one Coin as of writing this, but each additional pass after that will need to be bought for 100 Coins.

    To participate in the raid, simply tap the gym that has an active raid and use your pass. You'll be able to see how many participants there are in the lobby before you join. Just like normal raids, up to 20 players can join a remote raid.

    In the future, players who raid remotely will deal reduced damage. For now, though, players will deal full damage, even when raiding remotely.