Thursday, October 31, 2019

Pokemon Sword & Shield: Pre-Load On Switch Now

Pokemon Sword and Shield are only two weeks away. The Gen 8 Pokemon games arrive on Nintendo Switch on November 15, but if you're eager to start your Galar journey as soon as possible, you can now pre-load the titles ahead of their launch.

If you purchase the titles digitally from the Switch Eshop, you are now able to download them so that they'll be available to play the moment they go live on November 15. According to the Eshop, each game weighs in at 9.5 GB, and you'll need 19 GB of free space if you decide to spring for both versions.

Pokemon Sword and Shield are both eligible for the Switch Voucher program, so if you're a Nintendo Switch Online subscriber and have been holding onto some vouchers, you can use one to download either title. While vouchers are no longer available to purchase, you can redeem any that you still have up to a full year after you bought them. You can see the full list of voucher compatible games on Nintendo's website.

If you purchase Sword or Shield digitally, you'll receive 12 free Quick Balls within the games as a bonus. These have a high chance of catching a Pokemon if used immediately after the encounter begins. Meanwhile, everyone who purchases a copy--either physically or digitally--by January 15, 2020 will receive a Meowth that's capable of Gigantmaxing.

Those aren't the only freebies you can get. Players who have save data of either Let's Go Pikachu or Eevee on their consoles will also receive a Gigantamax-capable Pikachu or Eevee. You can see all the free Pokemon for Sword and Shield here. For more on the upcoming Gen 8 games, be sure to check out our Pokemon Sword and Shield pre-order guide.

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    Tuesday, October 29, 2019

    Pokemon Go: Darkrai Raids, Counters, How To Catch Tips, And More

    Pokemon Go's Halloween 2019 event is officially underway, and it's introduced a new Mythical Pokemon to the game: Darkrai. The nightmare-inducing Dark-type has started to appear around the world in five-star Raid Battles, making this your first chance to catch it in Pokemon Go.

    Darkrai will only be available in Raids until November 1, when Pokemon Go's Halloween event ends, so you'll want to make the most of this time if you're hoping to add one--or more--to your collection. To help you out, we've rounded up some tips on how to battle and catch Darkrai below.

    How To Encounter Darkrai

    Like many other Legendary and Mythical Pokemon, Darkrai can be found as a tier-five Raid Boss, so to encounter one in the game, you'll need to head to a Gym where a Darkrai Raid is taking place. The Mythical Pokemon will periodically appear at Gyms, but your best bet for finding one will be during the Legendary Raid Hour events.

    For one hour every Wednesday evening, more five-star Raids featuring Pokemon Go's current Legendary will take place, effectively guaranteeing you'll find a Raid. There will be two Darkrai Raid Hours before the Mythical Pokemon slinks back into the shadows. The first takes place on October 23, with the second following on October 30. Both events will run from 6-7 PM local time.

    To participate in a Raid Battle, you'll need to have a Raid Pass. You can either purchase these from Pokemon Go's in-game store or receive one for free when you spin the Photo Disc at a PokeStop; however, you can only hold one free Raid Pass at a time.

    Best Darkrai Counters

    Before you can have a chance to catch Darkrai, you'll first need to defeat it in battle, and it'll prove to be a tough opponent. Darkrai is a pure Dark-type, which means it is susceptible to Fighting, Bug, and Fairy, so you'll want to have Pokemon of these types on your team when you challenge it.

    For Fighting-types, Machamp will likely be your best bet, particularly if it knows Counter and Dynamic Punch. Heracross and Scizor are both good Bug-types to use, the latter especially if it knows X-Scissor. Fairy-types are harder to find because they're among the rarest Pokemon in the game, but Gardevoir with Dazzling Gleam is a good choice.

    However, two types you'll want to avoid using are Ghost and Psychic. Darkrai resists both elements, so those monsters won't fare very well against it. Note that Gardevoir is also part Psychic, but it takes neutral damage from Darkrai thanks to the fact it is also part Fairy, and if it knows the aforementioned Dazzling Gleam, it can hit the Mythical Pokemon super-effectively. Follow these tips and you should have no problem taking Darkrai down.

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    Someone paid $195,000 for a Pokemon card


    Even Detective Pikachu is amazed at that price.

    Screenshot by Gonzalo Jiménez/CNET

    Turns out catching 'em all can be a pricey endeavor, especially with Pokemon fever growing as the release of Sword and Shield draws near. A single Pokemon card sold for $195,000 last week, making "Pikachu Illustrator" the most expensive one in existence, according to Kotaku.


    "Pikachu Illustrator" sold for $195,000.

    Weiss Auctions

    This card was never sold in packs like regular ones, but awarded to the winners of a Japanese comic contest in 1998, the auction noted. Only 39 were released, and 10 of those are believed to still exist. The artwork, by Pikachu creator Atsuko Nishida, is pretty delightful.

    The buyer actually paid $224,500 for the card -- Weiss Auctions added a 15% buyer's premium to the winning bid, the auction house confirmed via email.

    It actually makes the August's $107,000 Pokemon card auction -- for a first-edition set of the first ones printed in English back in 1999 -- look like a steal. And let's not forget about the card that got lost in the mail after selling for $60,000.

    If you're looking to express your Pokemania without having to take out a loan, you could get to London and check out the popup Pokemon Center. Or just pick up Sword and Shield when it hits Nintendo Switch on Nov. 15.

    Original ly published Oct. 28, 8:52 a.m. PT.Update, 11 a.m. PT: Notes buyer's premium.

    Monday, October 28, 2019

    Before Pokemon Sword & Shield, Get A Free Mewtwo For Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee

    Pokemon Sword and Shield launch on Nintendo Switch in less than a month, but in the meantime, The Pokemon Company is giving away a few Legendary Pokemon for the series' most recent entries. In addition to the free Shiny Solgaleo and Shiny Lunala that are available now for Pokemon Sun and Moon, The Pokemon Company has announced it will soon distribute a free Mewtwo in the US for last year's Pokemon Switch games, Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee.

    The Mewtwo distribution kicks off on November 4 and runs until November 14--the day before Pokemon Sword and Shield launch. To claim the Legendary, you'll first need to download the Pokemon Pass app on your phone and head to a participating Best Buy store, where you'll be able to scan a special QR code that will give you a download code for the Pokemon.

    This free Mewtwo is fairly standard; it isn't Shiny and doesn't know any exclusive or rare moves. Still, since only one Mewtwo is available to catch in the Let's Go games, this is a good chance to add another one to your collection. The Pokemon comes at level 70 and knows the following four moves:

  • Amnesia
  • Psychic
  • Teleport
  • Recover
  • Once you've received a download code for the Mewtwo, you'll need to input the code via the Mystery Gift feature to download it. You can read more details about the distribution on the official Pokemon website.

    As previously mentioned, players can also pick up a free Shiny Legendary Pokemon right now for the series' Gen 7 3DS games. That distribution runs until November 10. Those in the US can get the Legendaries by going to a participating GameStop store and scanning the special QR code that's on display using the Pokemon Pass app. You can see all the other free gifts still available for Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon in our roundup.

    Pokemon Sword and Shield launch on Switch on November 15, and a few free Pokemon have already been announced for the games. If you have save data of Let's Go Pikachu or Eevee on your Switch, you'll be able to receive a free Pikachu or Eevee that's capable of Gigantamaxing. Everyone who picks up a copy of Sword or Shield by January 15, 2020 will also be able claim a free Meowth that's able to Gigantamax.

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    Sunday, October 27, 2019

    Games Inbox: Fallout 5 and Bethesda, best Pokémon Sworld/Shield starter, and The Outer Worlds love

    Wowzers, I was expecting the MediEvil review to be poor, but 3/10 – ouch.

    I must admit, after initially being excited for the remake, I was totally put off by the demo which I thought was woeful, so it didn't surprise me too much. I guess I had a slight hope the full game might have had a few positives. 3/10 seems quite generous based on my limited play, I can hand on heart say I wouldn't have bought the game after playing the demo if it'd have been £1.99.

    Such a shame, it's a game I look fondly back on regardless, maybe due to my lower standards back then and only being able to buy one game a month tops. And I think now with hindsight it was probably based on it giving me a few chuckles rather than its quality. My fear is, once it has bombed (which it surely will) then Sony might pull the plug on other remakes they may have had planned if MediEvil had been a success. I'm thinking lesser known similar games like Klonoa, Tombi, etc. or classics crying out for a rejig like Soul Reaver, Ape Escape, and Vagrant Story.

    I'd planned on buying MediEvil this month, to tide me over till Shenmue III is released – and I'm expecting that to get a very low score too, but I'll buy it anyway despite knowing already it's going to be terrible. I'll now put the MediEvil money towards The Outer Worlds – a game that wasn't on my radar at all until reading the review on here, which now sounds too good to miss.

    Also, I want to play a small part in sending a message to Bethesda, while they're charging people £99.99 to have a private server on a woeful flop I doubt many gamers would touch even if it went free to play (I'm yet to see anyone on my list play Destiny 2, which is a far better game overall).

    Obsidian are releasing the best Fallout game that's not quite Fallout. I hope The Outer Worlds sells bucketloads, so they see what can happen when you actually bother to develop a good game. It must already sting them that Fallout fans by and large rate New Vegas as the best game in the series, and now Obsidian have out-Fallout-ed Bethesda yet again.

    The Elder Scrolls VI better be a 10/10 garnering behemoth, or Bethesda could be the next big software company to disappear, their reputation is ruined at the moment, it'll take something amazing to turn the tide now I'd imagine. They surely can't keep relying on remastering Skyrim.Lost-Sock-PS: WWE 2K20, can GC think of any other big release this gen that looks so outdated graphically? You could tell people that you're playing it on a PlayStation 2 and they wouldn't bat an eyelid.

    GC: Out of those games you mentioned the only one that's owned by Sony is Ape Escape, and there have been a few quiet whispers it might be preparing a comeback.

    Did You Realize Pokemon Originally Had A Baby Blastoise Pre-Evolution?

    Evolutions have become an essential part of the Pokemon franchise. Many of the "starter" types within the pocket monster series have the ability to evolve once or twice to achieve its final, and usually giant, forms. Such is the case with Squirtle, one of the original three starter types of Pokemon that trainers had the chance to "adopt" as part of the first generation of creatures appearing in the video games Pokemon: Red and Pokemon: Blue. Now, it's been revealed that the ultimate evolution of Squirtle, Blastoise, was originally going to appear in a much smaller package!

    Twitter User DrLavaYT shared the original designs for Blastoise, one of the first Pokemon ever designed, that would have separated it entirely from Squirtle, making the pocket monster its own thing, albeit much smaller than the giant water shooting turtle we know today:

    As the Poke-fan notes in his tweets, Blastoise was one of the first Pokemon ever created, eventually being linked to both Squirtle and Wartortle as their final evolution. Aside from being created completely separately from its earlier two forms, the initial version of Blastoise is clearly a much smaller, cuter version of the creature we know and love today. Not sporting the giant cannons on its back and holding a much smaller frame, it would have been interesting to see if this first form of Blastoise would have had evolutions all its own.

    Squirtle has a long history in the Pokemon franchise, in both the games and the anime itself. Most notable, Blastoise happened to be under the control of Ash Ketchum's rival Gary, making for a good contrast to Ash's evolved Charmander, aka Charizard. Ash of course had a Squirtle of his own throughout the anime, but never has it evolve to its final form, being a-ok with the Pokemon retaining its initial form.

    Squirtle itself is one of the most popular Pokemon around, seemingly only surpassed by Pikachu and Charizard when it comes to the top spot. Though Blastoise tends to get trapped in its shadow, it's no doubt that the final form of the water turtle is far more powerful.

    What do you think of this initial design for Blastoise? Do you think it manages to surpass the final form of the ultimate evolution of Squirtle? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and Pokemon!

    Saturday, October 26, 2019

    New Pokemon GO radar tracker: The big update

    Today Niantic reported a new sort of device that'll appear in Pokemon GO. This device might remind some veteran players of the first iteration of Pokemon GO, a version in which you were able to see how close you were to (or conversely, how far away you were from) any given nearby Pokemon. This new piece of equipment seems as though it may be a sign that Niantic COULD BE bringing elements like that into the future of the game.

    First Component

    New items in the game were reported by the game's own Professor Willow. He suggested that they're called "Mysterious Components." His journal entry from 10/22/2019 suggested that some Team GO Rocket Grunts were dropping "strange items" when they were defeated in Pokemon battles.

    According to the professor, some or all of the Mysterious Components he'd found "seem to be made of some metal alloy" and that they were "cold to the touch." One – shown above – had a glass screen that would "radiate a light-purple color."

    The Pokemon Radar System

    Another report "written" on the 24th of October by Willow suggested that he'd constructed an "Early Rocket Radar Prototype" – and you'll see that here. This piece of hardware is created – it would seem – by combining together a total of 6 "Mysterious Components" into one big machine.

    "I believe that if I can create a functioning prototype of this Rocket Radar, we might be able to use Team GO Rocket's own technology to find out where their hideouts are," said Willow. "While it's relatively easy to find Team GO Rocket Grunts (the PokéStops they hack become noticeably discolored and have a glitch-like appearance), we've had a difficult time finding where the Team GO Rocket Leaders—or even Giovanni—are hiding."

    More important than Team Rocket

    This system is part of Niantic's future work on radar system work – or what in-game will appear to be a "radar" system – for Pokemon. If what we're seeing here is anything like the Pokemon GO maps with which players have been "cheating" for years – it's going to be a big deal.

    The first version of the radar from Team Rocket (or Team GO Rocket, whatever you want to call it) will likely be for that mission only, and for finding the Rocket Grunts only, but the possibility that it could expand to Pokemon of all sorts – that's what's important. That's the thing about which we are pumped!

    This would be a big change VS what Niantic's been doing and saying about players in the game re:3rd-party apps and such as recent as August of 2019. Or maybe they were just making way for the future! If anyone's going to tell you where the Pokemon are hidden, it's going to be Niantic!

    How Pokémon Sword and Shield’s creators balance risk-taking with tradition

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    Game Freak on experimenting with a 23-year-old series

    By Nick Statt@nickstatt Oct 24, 2019, 9:00am EDT Share this story
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  • Image: Nintendo / Game Freak

    Pokémon Sword and Shield, the pair of new games in the iconic monster-collecting series due out November 15th, come with unprecedented expectation.

    They're the first mainline Pokémon games from developer Game Freak designed for the Nintendo Switch, meaning they're also the first of those titles playable on a proper console, granted one you can take with you on the go. Sword and Shield are also the first installments to break the link with past games; you won't be able to import the pokémon you may have been collecting for the last decade or so into these new entries, much to the die-hard Pokémon community's everlasting frustration.

    But there are reasons why these games aren't just more of the same, and why longtime features and traditions may have been forsaken for newer, innovative approaches, like the bombastic Dynamax and Gigantamax transformations that have taken the internet by storm. According to Sword and Shield director Shigeru Ohmori and producer Junichi Masuda, whom I spoke with earlier this month through a translator at Nintendo's Bay Area offices, it's about properly balancing what makes Pokémon such a beloved series with what can make it fresh and accessible to new players.

    Sword and Shield represent a bold move forward for Pokémon that builds both on last year's accessible Let's Go entries and the mobile Pokémon Go that's introduced millions of new players around the world to the series. It features new open-world environments, multiplayer dungeon battles, and a more approachable storyline that is less systemized around collecting monsters and gym badges and more narrative-driven. Yet there are still new monsters to collect and gym leaders to overcome, and the general approach of turn-based battling remains intact.

    Pokémon Sword and Shield director Shigeru Ohmori, left, and producer Junichi Masuda with the game's three starters. Photo by Nick Statt / The Verge

    In that sense, Game Freak wants Sword and Shield to do three things at once: to be a proper next step for all the new Let's Go fans, push the series forward with unique and interesting gameplay changes, and appeal to players who might have spent the last 23 years with the series.

    "It's hard to say that Sword and Shield and Let's Go, Pikachu! are really different. In terms of basic structure, being an RPG game with a story you follow through, they're similar in that regard. So it's a natural progression to go from Let's Go, Pikachu! or Let's Go, Eevee! to Sword and Shield. It's just a step up from that," Ohmori says. "I think anyone who maybe started with Pokémon Go and then first learned what a traditional RPG is through Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!, they'd be able to ease in pretty quickly to Sword and Shield."

    Game Freak also took some learnings from Let's Go, most notably the ability to see random pokémon encounters animated on the map, so you can avoid them if you like and only engage in fights when you know you may be facing a creature you're trying to catch. "Once Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! came out, the reaction to that [feature] was so positive and people really enjoyed being able to see them roaming around, we decided to go back and incorporate the system in Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield," says Ohmori.

    Hands-on with Pokémon Sword and Shield

    Game Freak knows it has a die-hard fan base; just look at the national dex controversy that erupted earlier this year. And there is a lot riding on Sword and Shield. They're the first mainline Pokémon games for the Nintendo Switch, breaking with a 23-year tradition of releasing core titles on portable-only consoles starting first with Red and Blue on the Game Boy.

    Yet Game Freak has set out to create a new version of Pokémon that straddles the line between old and new in many of the same ways Sun and Moon did, with the added benefits of the Switch that let it double as a console and a handheld. In my time with Shield's first hour and a half, it's already apparent that these games, which come out on November 15th, mark a bold step forward for Pokémon, even if they might not do enough to appease the crowd of fans that just want more of the same with better graphics.

    But the last thing Game Freak wanted was to dump overly complicated games onto a player base that still skews younger and continues to add new devotees. After all, the Pokémon franchise is continuously expanding. New players can come in from the wildly successful anime, last year's well-reviewed Detective Pikachu live-action film, or Pokémon Go, which still counts tens of millions of monthly active users worldwide. And it's becoming more likely with each passing year that new parents who played the games as young kids or teenagers are now introducing the games to their children.

    That's why holding onto tradition sometimes takes the backseat to coming up with new features, which can be more widely enjoyed by anyone who picks up the new games regardless of their past Pokémon prowess. "It's really a challenge a lot of the time. We know that some of the traditions are important to a lot of our longtime fans, but at the same time as creators, we always want to come with new things and to surprise our players," Ohmori says.

    In some cases in Sword and Shield, Game Freak is able to both stay true to tradition while also trying something new. Take, for instance, the starter pokémon. Sword and Shield feature your standard fire, water, and grass type starters. But instead of being given one from your local pokémon scientist, a Professor Oak type, you're given the choice from your best friend's older brother, the Galar region champion Leon, who becomes your mentor.

    Image: Nintendo / Game Freak

    Your rival, Leon's younger brother Hop, also opts against choosing the starter you're weak against — the case with a vast majority of the earlier mainline games — and instead picks the one you're strong against. That ends up tilting the scales a little bit in your favor every time you fight. That relationship between your character and Hop is cast in a different, more positive light, building on how Sun and Moon turned the competition with your hometown rival into one with deeper narrative ties about friendship and the strength of the bonds between you and your pokémon companions.

    As for the starters themselves, Game Freak also took cues from the real world. In particular, Ohmori says they tried to predict how the pokémon would be shared on social media and in memes, as well as perceived by the broader gaming culture.

    "I think with the first three pokémon — Grookey, Scorbunny, and Sobble in particular — it would be fair to say we did try to think about how players and fans would react when we were designing them. We actually went out of our way to assign more of a specific personality to these three pokémon than we typically do for other pokémon," Ohmori says. "We really focused on giving them distinct personalities."

    Ohmori says Grookey is designed to be an upbeat, party-loving character, with Scorbunny being an energetic and exuberant one. Sobble is the sad, mopey type. "When we were making them, we were thinking, 'Oh, these type of people will like this character.' We definitely had that on our minds for the three starter pokémon," Ohmori adds.

    "This was a learning for us specifically with the Sword and Shield starters," Masuda says. "These days, it's really easy to get feedback directly from fans or social media. Both Ohmori and myself are on Twitter and interacting with fans and getting all sorts of opinions and really cool messages sent to us." He says the goal was to give the starters a more distinct personality, specifically to get more animated and passionate reactions from fans. "We've got a wide range of reactions, but people are really excited about them in general. I think we can say it was a success going this route."

    When asked which starters Ohmori and Masuda preferred specifically, they were quick to act. Sitting between the two of them were three stuffed animal versions of the pokémon, and Ohmori picked up Grookey, while Masuda chose Scorbunny. Poor Sobble was left on its own. "It's going to be pretty clear what kind of personality... maybe not your personality, but the kind of person you like depending on which starter you choose," Masuda says. "Be careful in giving that away with your starter."

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    Friday, October 25, 2019

    Pokemon Dev Has "No Plans" For More Let's Go Remakes

    Despite Pokemon: Let's Go Pikachu / Let's Go Eevee being a success, selling an approximate 11 million units worldwide, developer Game Freak has confirmed there are no plans to expand the Let's Go catalog at the moment.

    Eurogamer sat down with series producer Junichi Masuda and game director Shigeru Ohmori to chat about Pokemon Sword / Shield, the pressure fans put on the studio, and more. In the interview, Masuda was asked if Game Freak is considering making more Let's Go-style Pokemon games following Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee's success. It seems like more Pokemon remakes in that vein aren't in Game Freak's cards right now.

    "So, at the moment there [are] no particular plans," Masuda said. "But if the fans really like it then definitely keep those voices coming out to the Pokemon Company and Nintendo, and make sure we hear them! We wanna hear those comments!"

    Game Freak currently has its hands full with Pokemon Sword and Shield, which launches on November 15 for Nintendo Switch. Unlike Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee, Sword and Shield will not include Pokemon Go integration. "In Pokemon Sword and Shield there's no direct communication with Pokemon Go," Ohmori said. "But you'll have seen the announcement for Pokemon Home, where there are plans to be able to send Pokemon from Pokemon Go, and take them around with you, so that's something we do have."

    However, those who played Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee will receive a special bonus in Sword and Shield: Gigantamax versions of both title Pokemon, Pikachu and Eevee.

    Game Freak recently responded to backlash regarding Sword and Shield's smaller Pokedex, explaining that "for the overall game, focusing on creating the richest experience we could within that game, leaving the Pokedex as we did was the best solution overall." Despite this, Game Freak assures that Sword and Shield are "comparable" in length to previous titles.

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    New Pokemon Sword and Shield trailer pays homage to past generations

    With Pokemon Sword and Shield a few weeks away, Nintendo has put together a new TV spot for the games. Though the trailer that debuted today is only 30 seconds long, it'll probably still resonate with a lot of Pokemon fans. That's because it pays homage to previous Pokemon games, beginning with the very first generation.

    The commercial starts with someone powering on an old school Game Boy, which allows a classic, chubby Pikachu sprite to pop into the world. We're then shown a quick montage of all the hardware mainline Pokemon games have released on throughout the years – Game Boy Advance, Nintendo DS, and 3DS – along with various sprites that match each particular hardware generation.

    In the end, all of the sprites surround a group of players, who each hold their legacy hardware into the air to transform their classic handhelds into Switches. Likewise, the sprites then transform to their new models for Sword and Shield, so on more than one level, it seems this TV spot is meant to usher in a new generation of Pokemon.

    It's a little weird, but it's certainly effective. We've come a long way from the 8-bit, often oddly designed sprites from Pokemon Red and Blue, and Sword and Shield are big games in that they're among the first mainline Pokemon titles to launch on a home console.

    It'll be interesting to see how Pokemon Sword and Shield perform, as they won't feature every Pokemon that's been released so far. This has been a pretty major point of contention among longtime Pokemon fans, and all the while, Game Freak has stuck by its decision. Whether or not that unrest within the Pokemon community is enough to turn these games into anything but sure hits is a big question, but we'll find out soon enough as Pokemon Sword and Shield are out on Nintendo Switch on November 15th, 2019.

    Thursday, October 24, 2019

    Woman Playing Pokemon Go Gunned Down as She Witnessed Armed Robbery


    The Good Place Michael and Jason hatch a plan; Eleanor learns the difficulties of running the neighborhood.

    Cayla Campos, 21, was shot as she and her boyfriend tried to drive away from a New Mexico park Published Oct 24, 2019 at 12:45 PM NEWSLETTERS Receive the latest national-international updates in your inbox

    Cayla Campos.

    Robbers gunned down a New Mexico woman, who had been playing Pokémon Go and accidentally stumbled into their armed heist in progress, Albuquerque police said Tuesday.

    NBC News reported that Cayla Campos, 21, and her boyfriend were in the midst of the virtual scavenger hunt near Bianchetti Park at 11:52 p.m. Saturday when they suddenly became witnesses to an armed robbery, officials said.

    "Cayla and other witnesses observed two individuals committing a robbery against unknown subject(s) who were seated in a vehicle" on Granite Avenue NE, according to an Albuquerque Police Department statement.

    "Cayla turned her car around to leave the area when multiple shots were fired into her vehicle. Cayla was struck by one of these rounds and her vehicle crashed into an occupied residence. Cayla died from her injuries.

    Pokemon Go's November 2019 Community Day Features Chimchar

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    Pokemon Go developer Niantic has announced the first details for the game's November Community Day. Next month's event is set for Saturday, November 16, and the featured Pokemon this time will be Chimchar, the Fire-type starter from Pokemon Diamond and Pearl.

    Throughout November's Community Day, Chimchar will appear in the wild much more often than normal, making this a good opportunity to stock up on Chimchar Candy, which you'll need if you're hoping to evolve it into Infernape. As usual, if you can evolve it up to two hours after the Community Day ends, your Infernape will know a special event-exclusive move.

    November's Community Day will also mark your first chance to catch a Shiny Chimchar in the game. On top of that, Pokemon eggs will hatch at a quarter of their normal distance during the event, and as always, any Lure Modules you use will remain active for three hours rather than their usual 30 minutes.

    Like the past two Community Days, November's event will take place early in the day, from 11 AM to 2 PM local time. You can read more details about November's Community Day on the official Pokemon website.

    Of course, that's not the only event on the horizon for Pokemon Go. The game's annual Halloween celebration runs from October 17 to November 1. During that time, you'll be able to encounter costume-wearing versions of Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle in Raid Battles, while Pikachu wearing a Mimikyu costume can be found in the wild. There will also be increased Ghost and Dark Pokemon spawns, and the Legendary Darkrai will make its debut in five-star Raids.

    Following the Halloween event, Niantic is bringing the Regi trio--Regirock, Registeel, and Regice--back to Raids from November 1-4, ahead of Regigigas' debut in EX Raids later in the month. If you want to encounter Regigigas early, Niantic is holding a Colossal Discovery Special Research event on November 2--but you need to pay to participate.

    Wednesday, October 23, 2019

    Here Is The Complete List Of Pokémon GO’s Team Rocket Shadow Pokémon In October

    Pokemon GO


    Pokémon GO keeps adding more and more Team Rocket trainers and potential Shadow Pokémon to the game, so much so that it might be hard to keep track of them all. But based on who you’re fighting, you have a reasonable chance at knowing which Shadow Pokémon you may have a chance to catch after the encounter.

    From what I can tell, here is the full list with all the current Shadows. Remember, these are just ones you can catch, not ones you can evolve from Shadows into higher forms. You cannot catch stage 3 Shadows outright, even if the Rocket trainer is using one. This is a modification of u/skewtr’s chart you can see h ere.

  • “Normal does not mean weak” (Normal) â€" Rattata, Raticate, Zubat
  • “You’ll be defeated into the ground” (Ground) - Cubone, Trapinch, Larvitar
  • “Ke…ke…ke…ke…ke…” (Ghost) â€" Shuppet, Sableye, Duskull
  • “Get ready to be shocked” (Electric) â€" Electabuzz, Mareep
  • “Go, my super bug Pokémon” (Bug) â€" Weedle, Venonat, Scyther
  • “Don’t tangle with us” (Grass) â€" Turtwig, Seedot, Cacnea, Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Gloom
  • “Do you know how hot Pokémon fire breath can get?” (Fire) â€" Magmar, Charmeleon, Houndour, Houndoom, Growlithe
  • “These waters are treacherous” (Water) â€" Magikarp, Psyduck, Poliwhirl
  •  â€œBattle against my flying-type Pokémon” (Flying) â€" Zubat, Golbat
  • “Coiled and ready to strike” (Poison) â€" Zubat, Golbat, Grimer, Muk, Venonat
  • “Let’s rock and roll” (Rock) â€" Larvitar
  • “Are you scared of psychics that use unseen power?” (Psychic) â€" Drowzee, Hypno, Abra, Ralts
  • “ROAR…How’d that sound?” (Dragon) â€" Dratini
  • “This buff physique isn’t just for show!” (Fighting) â€" Hitmonchan
  • “Don’t bother/Get Ready/Winning is for Winners” (Assorted) â€" Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Charmander, Charmeleon, Squirtle, Wartortle, Lapras, Snorlax
  • I believe that’s all of them. The Shadow list is getting pretty long, and Niantic keeps adding new, future gen Pokémon to these rosters over time. I remember we started with like, 12 Shadow Pokémon, and now it’s dozens, even more when you include the later stage evolutions.

    I will try to keep this list updated from month to month, but hopefully this is enough to get you started for your current Shadow hunt, if that’s a collection you’re trying to build like me. Weirdly, I find this more gratifying than shinies, probably because it’s easier to actually find what you’re looking for.

    Follow me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Pre-order my new sci-fi novel Herokiller, and read my first series, The Earthborn Trilogy, which is also on audiobook.

    ‘Pokemon Go’ is finally adding online multiplayer battles in 2020

    In the three years since launch, Pokemon Go has evolved into a completely different game. Many of the features that have kept the game relevant for all this time weren't available at launch, from trading to raid battles to field research to the addition of hundreds of new Pokemon from throughout the history of the series.

    One of the only anticipated features that has yet to see the light of day is the ability to battle with other players online, but in a blog post on Monday, Pokemon Go developer Niantic confirmed that online battles will finally be coming to the game next year in the form of another brand new feature called GO Battle League.

    Pokemon Go introduced player vs. player Trainer Battles last December, but unless you have reached Ultra or Best Friend status with a player, you have to be physically close to one another to battle. It requires 30 days of exchanging gifts with another player to become Ultra Friends, so chances are that there are only a few players on your friend list — if there are any at all — that you can currently spar with from a distance

    Although Niantic didn't share many specific details about GO Battle League, the developer did reveal that players will be able to walk to gain entry into the league, at which point they can "battle opponents from around the globe through an online matching system and rise in the ranks of the league."

    More details will be shared in a future Dev Insights video, but we know that the feature will launch in early 2020.

    Tuesday, October 22, 2019

    Pokémon Go is getting online multiplayer battles early next year

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    Another way to PvP

    By Jon Porter@JonPorty Oct 22, 2019, 6:05am EDT Share this story
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  • Starting in early 2020, Niantic will let Pokémon Go players compete against each other online in a new Go Battle League for the mobile game. Niantic says the league will let you battle players from around the globe using a matchmaking system, and that it will feature ranks that you'll have to rise up through.

    This won't be the first time Pokémon Go has let you battle other players, but the current Trainer Battles feature is much more limited in scope. Unless you've reached an "Ultra" or "Best" friend ranking with another player (a process which takes 30 days at a minimum) then you can only battle players in your immediate vicinity. The Go Battle League has a more global focus, and it sounds like you could be matched against players regardless of location.

    Are you a #GOBattle champion among your group of friends, Trainer? How about compared to the rest of the world? The time to prove yourself is coming. GO Battle LeagueComing soon in early 2020

    — Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) October 21, 2019

    Niantic didn't share many other details about how the upcoming league will work, or how players will be able to join it beyond saying that "trainers will be able to walk in order to earn entry." However, the company promised that it will share more details in a new Dev Insights video that's due to come out soon.

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    Report: Pokémon Go player murdered after witnessing robbery

    Report: Pokémon Go player murdered after witnessing robbery

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    Albuquerque police said a woman who witnessed a robbery was shot and killed while she was playing the popular game Pokémon Go.

    "It's kind of freaky," Pokémon Go player David Hutzel said.

    Police said Cayla Campos and her boyfriend were playing near Bianchetti Park. Just before midnight, they saw two men robbing someone.

    Investigators said Campos tried to drive off, but the robbers fired shots at her.

    She was hit by one of the shots and crashed into a house. She did not survive.

    News of Campos' death quickly spread across the message boards.

    "It definitely makes me think twice about where and when I'm playing. There's a lot of rough neighborhoods and times you probably shouldn't be out," Pokémon Go player Kody Love said.

    Love has been playing the game since it came out.

    He said other players should learn from what happened to Campos.

    "I hope they do. I mean, you just need to be aware of your surroundings and be safe. Take into account your own safety when you go out and play," Love said.

    Since learning what happened, Levi Perez and Hutzel said their parents are giving them extra advice on staying safe.

    "She wanted me to be really cautious," Perez said.

    "Stay around your neighborhood and always carry something with you that you can contact your parents with," Hutzel said.

    Police have not released any suspect information, only that they believe the robbery involved two vehicles, a red car, possibly a Ford Mustang and a silver four-door sedan.

    Police are asking anyone with information about the robbery or the shooting to give them a call.

    Monday, October 21, 2019

    Pokemon GO Battle League: Online PVP battles soon!

    Niantic announced today the future release of the system they call GO Battle League for Pokemon GO. This new system will expand on the current Trainer Battles system, the current form of PVP (player vs player) battling in the game here at the tail end of the year 2019. Pokemon GO's Go Battle League will not be entirely limited by physical proximity.

    The official word on the new GO Battle League system is that it'll be a combination of GPS-based elements and online elements. As Niantic suggested in a release today, trainers "will be able to walk in order to earn entry into the GO Battle League."

    Once a trainer attains entry into the GO Battle League, they'll be able to "battle opponents from around the globe through an online matching system and rise in the ranks of the league." This may well be as accessible as it implies, as Niantic's note also suggested that they "hope this feature will make the Pokémon GO battling experience more competitive and accessible to more Trainers."

    It would appear that this system will be different from what we've seen in "Worlds Invitational" Pokemon GO tournament play before. That was a strange affair indeed. This will be more of a year-round sort of situation.

    GO Battle League will be released into Pokemon GO in "early 2020" according to an announcement from Niantic today. They've suggested that they'll be "sharing more details in a special Dev Insights video soon. That means we'll have to head to the official Pokemon GO/Niantic YouTube channel to see it first!

    Above you'll see a video released by the official Niantic-made, Niantic-run YouTube channel for Pokemon GO. This one is about the Chimchar-based Community Day that'll happen soon – through this video you can check if the company's released this Dev Insights video. We'll be checking back and releasing further insight when we've got a grip on more, too!

    Pokemon With Max IVs Can Appear in Sword and Shield's Wild Area

    Pokemon min-maxers, rejoice! You'll be able to find Pokemon with maximum IV values in the wild in Pokemon Sword and Shield.In a recent Sword and Shield preview, Eurogamer discovered Pokemon with faint yellow auras wandering around the world. Similar to the glowing red and blue auras Pokemon in Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee could appear with, Pokemon with glowing yellow auras are special.

    Check out our own preview of the first 90 minutes of Pokemon Sword and Shield below.

    Instead of being larger or smaller than your average Pokemon, those with yellow auras have several IVs with maximum values (the maximum IV for each stat is 31). "They have Egg Moves rather than regular ones, too," Eurogamer said, "It could potentially make looking for competitively viable Pokemon far easier." Eurogamer also confirmed that flavor text which pops up at the beginning of the battle will indicate the extent of their strength, likely meaning how many perfect stats the Pokemon has.

    For more of the latest Pokemon Sword and Shield content, you can check out our piece on Every Unique Gigantimax Pokemon confirmed so far, our final preview of "the series' most ambitious game," and how excited we are that fat Pikachu is back!

    Pokemon Sword and Shield: All the New Pokemon and Galarian Forms

    As someone who bred Pokemon for countless hours to obtain a small handful with max IVs, this is a welcome addition to the series, even if they will appear very rarely. What do you think about this development? What Pokemon are you most excited to find with max IVs? Let us know in the comments below! Brian Barnett writes news, features, wiki guides, and more for IGN. You can get your fix of Brian's antics on Twitter (@Ribnax).

    Sunday, October 20, 2019

    Darkrai is a Difficult Tier 6 Raid Boss in Pokemon Go

    Pokemon Go decided to play a trick on players hoping to defeat the game's newest Legendary Raid Boss. Earlier this week, Pokemon Go launched its annual Halloween event, which offered extra candy, new Ghost-type Pokemon, and even some special new costumed Pokemon. As part of the event, Pokemon Go also added a new Raid Boss - the Mythical Pokemon Darkrai. Darkrai was the perfect Raid Boss for the event, a Dark-type Pokemon known as the Nightmare Pokemon that is known for trapping humans and Pokemon within their dreams. However, battling Darkrai leads to a nasty surprise - the Pokemon is actually a Tier 6 Raid Boss.

    While Pokemon Go only officially has five tiers of raids, the game actually has a secret sixth tier meant for the game's most powerful Pokemon. This gives the Raid Boss a lot more HP and raises its CP significantly. For reference, Darkrai has a CP of 65675 while a Raid Boss, making it the second most powerful Raid Boss to ever appear in Pokemon Go.

    While Darkrai's Attack and Defense stats aren't any different than if it were a Tier 5 Raid Boss, the extra HP makes it impossible for three trainers to defeat. Even Level 40 players with a small army of Machamp would be unable to defeat Darkrai in a group of three players.

    Darkrai's extra bulkiness has led to some controversy among Pokemon Go fans, since players need to work in large groups to defeat the Mythical Pokemon. Gathering groups of four or more can be tricky on short notice, and that means that it's harder to add Darkrai to your Pokedex or actually gather enough candy to make Darkrai viable as a gym or raid attacker. Also, we don't know when Darkrai is scheduled to leave the game - the Halloween event ends on November 1st, so it's possible that Darkrai could leave the game after just a few weeks.

    Players who want to defeat Darkrai should have a team of strong Fighting-type or Bug-type Pokemon and a Raid group of at least four trainers. Darkrai will be available until at least November 1st at 1 PM PT.

    You Can Skip Pokemon Sword & Shield's Tutorial For Catching Pokemon

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    At the beginning of every Pokemon game, you can expect two things: a man who loves the power of science and technology, and a person who teaches you the basics of catching Pokemon. The science guy is definitely present in Pokemon Sword and Shield, but the Pokemon-catching tutorial is, for the first time since Pokemon Crystal in 2000, not mandatory.

    During a demo of Sword and Shield, I managed to skip the tutorial on accident. After choosing your starter Pokemon (Grookey, Scorbunny, or Sobble), you naturally have to stop by your house to talk to your mum. She gives you some pocket money to start you off, but what she doesn't tell you is that she slipped five Poke Balls in, too. I caught some Pokemon on my way to meet my rival, Hop, and his brother Leon, the Galar Champion and the person I was told would teach me how to catch Pokemon. But that didn't happen when I caught up to them, and Leon instead made a comment about how I'd already captured some Pokemon before moving on to the next topic of conversation.

    No Caption Provided

    It's a small thing, but this change--provided it's not some weird fluke created in the demo environment--makes starting a new Pokemon game just a little bit smoother for those of us who've been playing the games for years and know the ropes. Compared to Sun and Moon, which have a notoriously long tutorial sequence, Sword and Shield get you into the action relatively quickly--before my 90 demo minutes were up, I'd already made it to the Wild Area, a large, open space that's home to powerful Pokemon and the new Raid Battles. (I didn't get to wander around the Wild Area much, though, so I'm still very curious about the secrets it holds.)

    Pokemon Sword and Shield release for Nintendo Switch on November 15. Be sure to read our pre-order guide if you're interested in getting the games on day one.

    Saturday, October 19, 2019

    'Pokémon Go' Halloween 2019 Research Tasks: Spiritomb Special Research and Every Reward

    A part of this year's Pokémon Go Halloween event are new research tasks for trainers to complete. This year's festivities also give trainers another shot at finding and catching Spiritomb, one of the more rare Pokémon from Gen 4.

    Trainers will want to visit their closest PokeStops to stock up on some of these Halloween-themed research tasks as they can grant encounters with some newer Ghost-type Pokémon including the debuting Yamask.

    Here's a rundown of all the new research tasks found in Pokémon Go during this year's Halloween event including the special research to catch Spiritomb.


    This year, there are six new research tasks for Pokémon Go trainers to find and complete.

    With these events many of the research tasks give trainers a chance at encountering a Pokémon. These Pokémon that are found in these tasks have a higher chance at having better stats.

    In the case of the 2019 Halloween event, trainers will be able to encounter some rare Dark and Ghost-type Pokémon. Some highlights include encounters with Golett and Yamask.

    Here's the rundown of research tasks found during this year's Halloween event:

  • Catch 5 Gastly or Shuppet: Sneasel encounter
  • Evolve 3 Drifloon or Stunky: Rare Candy (x1)
  • Make 3 Excellent throws in a row: Golett encounter
  • Defeat a Team Go Rocket Grunt: Yamask encounter
  • Take 5 Snapshots of Ghost-type 1080 experience points: Sableye encounter
  • Catch 10 Ghost-type Pokémon: Stardust (x1000)

    Last Halloween, Pokémon Go trainers were able to complete special research to catch a Spiritomb and they have another chance this year.

    This year's special research is titled, "A Spooky Message 2019" has three steps with nine tasks to complete in total.

    Here's the "A Spooky Message 2019" tasks to encounter Spiritomb:

    Task 1

  • Catch 10-Ghost-type Pokémon: Litwick encounter
  • Make 8 Great Throws: 1080 experience points
  • Use 108 Berries to help catch Pokémon: Sableye encounter
  • Completion reward: Poke Ball (x10), Stardust (x1080), Silver Pinap Berry (x8)

    Task 2

  • Catch 10 Dark-type Pokémon: Yamask encounter
  • Spin 8 PokéStops you haven't visited before: 1080 experience points
  • Catch 108 Pokémon: Spiritomb encounter
  • Completion reward: Poke Ball (x10), Stardust (x1080), Golden Razz Berry (x8)


  • Claim reward: 1080 experience points
  • Claim reward: 1080 experience points
  • Claim reward: 1080 experience points
  • Completion reward: Spiritomb Candy (x18), Stardust (x1080)

    Have you had success completing these tasks? Which Ghost-type Pokémon is your favorite? Let us know in the comments section.

    Friday, October 18, 2019

    Yes, Pokemon Sword & Shield's Characters Use British Slang

    As you may know by now, Pokemon Sword and Shield take place in a new region called Galar, which is clearly inspired by the United Kingdom. There is a Big Ben-like clock tower, charming countryside and cottages, trains and old-looking brick buildings in the cities, and soccer/football-inspired stadiums for battling Pokemon. We recently played a 90-minute demo of Sword and Shield, and we can confirm that on top of all the other similarities, the characters have British accents.

    Well, to be precise, they use British slang, since dialogue in Sword and Shield is text-only. But it is very clearly British. Your mom, a mainstay of every Pokemon game ever? She's called Mum. Your rival describes someone as being "pants with directions." Another character refers to a Pokemon as a "little chap." The list goes on. And, at least from an American perspective, it's pretty on-point. It remains to be seen whether my British colleagues will agree.

    a group of people sitting at a table in front of a building: No Caption Provided © Provided by CBS Interactive Inc. No Caption Provided

    The demo showcased the first few areas of Sword and Shield, including the Wild Area. As we've seen in trailers thus far, the countryside is as idyllic as a British postcard, with wild Wooloo--a lovely little sheep-like Pokemon--roaming around causing all sorts of trouble. Compared to previous Pokemon games, the vistas are especially lovely, and the recent 3D art style of the series makes the transition to Switch beautifully from what we played.

    During the demo, we also learned that the Pokemon-catching tutorial is skippable for the first time in almost 20 years. On top of that, choosing your starter is more emotional than we're used to. We'll know more once Pokemon Sword and Shield come to Nintendo Switch on November 15.

    Thursday, October 17, 2019

    'Pokemon Sword' and 'Shield': Pikachu grows large in new trailer

    Oct. 16 (UPI) -- Pikachu and Charizard can transform into huge Gigantamax forms in a new gameplay trailer for Pokemon Sword and Shield.

    Gigantamax forms are a stage above the Dynamaxing process where players can turn their Pokemon into giant, towering forms of themselves. Gigantamax makes certain Pokemon even bigger, boosts their power and gives them unique G-Max attacks.

    The trailer, released on Wednesday, features Pikachu, Charizard, Eevee, Butterfree and Meowth reaching Gigantamax status.

    Pikachu, in the clip, unleashes a G-Max attack named Volt Crash that will paralyze all opponents. Charizard, meanwhile, uses Wildfire which damages all non-fire type Pokemon for four turns.

    Pokemon Drednaw, Corviknight and Alcremie can also reach the new form. Players will be able to catch the rare Gigantamx Pokemn by participating in Sword and Shield's Max Raid Battles.

    Gigantamax Pikachu can be obtained by those who played Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu with Eevee being given to those who played Pokemon Let's Go Eevee. Gigantamax Meowth will be given to players who enter into Sword and Shield by Jan. 15.

    Pokemon Sword and Shield is set to be released for the Nintendo Switch on Nov. 15.

    ‘Pokemon Go’ fall events include costumed monsters, Darkrai, Chimchar and Regigas

    "Pokemon Go" has been in a lull after capping off its summer events, but Niantic has plenty of activities planned for Halloween and the future.

    It all begins Oct. 17 with the introduction of its Halloween-themed event. Starting at 1 p.m. Pacific Time, players will encounter new Shadow Pokemon in Team Rocket battles including Weedle, Kakuna, Beedrill, Lapras, Mareep, Magmar, Seedot, Nuzleaf, Sableye, Cacnea, Shuppet, Duskull and Electabuzz. The big pocket monster that players will be on the hunt for is Yamask, which is a ghost-type Pokemon that's part of Generation 5. It will be available in the wild and can be shiny. In addition, more ghost- and dark-type Pokemon will appear in the world. This could be a good chance to get the valuable Litwick and the rare Golett. Both are ghost types with the former being a valuable addition in raids and player-vs.-player battles while the latter having one of the cooler-looking evolutions. For those who are into costumes, the original Kanto starters — Bulbasaur, Squirtle and Charmander — will be out in the wild wearing costumes along with Pikachu dressed as Mimikyu. Players will h ave a chance to catch shiny versions of theose as well.

    As for bonuses, players can expect double catch candy, hatch candy and transfer candy. That will be a boon for players hoarding certain types of Pokemon. It could useful for those who have several Mewtwos and other legendaries. Those candies are hard to come by.

    Regice, from left, Registeel, and Regirock return with the chance of being shiny in "Pokemon Go" starting Nov. 1 at 1 p.m. local time. (Niantic) 

    Lastly, Darkrai will be coming to raids. The mythical Pokemon is expected to be the best dark-type in the game and valuable asset against Pyschic-type Pokemon such as Mewtwo. If you want to prepare for Darkrai raids, power-up fighting Pokemon such as Machamp or Hariyama and give them Counter (fast move) and Dynamic Punch (charge move). Breloom will also be a strong member of any raid team.

    While Yamask and the Shadow Pokemon will be available from Oct. 17 and beyond, the event Pokemon such as Darkrai and the costumed pocket monsters have a short availability. The bonuses and dark and ghost spawns will also have a limited shelf life. Those will disappear at 1 p.m. Nov. 1, 2019. That's a little over two weeks to grab as many special Pokemon as you can.

    If you don't get the Pokemon you want then, you won't have much time to fume about it. As the Halloween event ends, Niantic will introduce the return of Regirock, Registeel and Regice. They will appear in raids and give newer players a chance to complete their Hoenn Pokedex. In addition, the three can be shiny.

    To go along with their return, Niantic is bringing out more Geodude, Magnemite, Swinub, Aron and Spheal in the wild. All of these Pokemon have a chance to be shiny. With eggs, more Aerodactyl, Shuckle, Sneasel, Skarmory, Snorunt and Beldum will be hatching. Each of these Pokemon will be available in a shiny version with Skarmory making its debut in that form. That will be highly sought-after.

    Rregigas will appear in a ticketed Special Research event before it goes to the general public in EX Raids in Novemver. (Niantic) 

    One of the more interesting moves that Niantic will pull off is the introduction of Special Research story event that will require a $7.99 purchase. The ticket CANNOT be bought with PokeCoins. The process is a little complicated but it entails the following.1) Players must buy a ticket, which goes on sale before the event. Players have until 5 p.m. Nov. 2 to pick up a ticket. They will do it by clicking on the "Learn More" button in the shop. If players did it right, the ticket should be in their Item Bag, according Niantic.

    2) Once they buy the ticket, they have to open "Pokemon Go" any time between 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Nov. 2 This will give them a Special Research titled a Colossal Discovery. The ticket also includesA) a Colossal Discovery MedalB) 10 raid passes that are given by spinning a Photo Disc at a gymC) a Unova Stone (These are rare right now.), a Sinnoh Stone and an exclusive avatar poseD) early access to Regigas, which will eventually appear in EX Raids in November

    3) Niantic urges players to complete the task Nov. 2 but if they don't it can be completed at any time.

    From the sound of it, the event will be comparable to what players experienced at Pokemon Go Fest except this is on a regional scale. There will likely be special spawns appearing to coincide with research tasks tied to the Special Research story. That's why it will be optimal to do the event on Nov. 2. It will likely culminate with the catching of Regigas. I suspect players may need to group up and communicate with each other to catch spawns and finish goals. If it's anything like the quests during Pokemon Go Fest, it will take players four or five hours or so to complete everything at a casual pace.

    On Nov. 16, "Pokemon Go" will hold its Community Day with Chimchar as the star. It will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. local time. The event will feature three-hour lures, reduced hatch distances for incubators and the debut of shiny Chimchar. An exclusive move will also be out. If it's like the past Charmander or Torchic events, it will be Blast Burn but Niantic could surprise players. That will most likely wrap up the Community Days for the year's new shiny Pokemon. Last year, the December Community Day brought back all the Pokemon from the previous months. It was another opportunity for players to catch shiny Community Day Pokemon that may have eluded them and get their exclusive move. Will the same thing happen on December's "Pokemon Go" Communnity Day December 14 and 15? I'm willing to bet it will.

    Wednesday, October 16, 2019

    All The Free Pokemon Announced For Sword And Shield

    Pokemon Sword and Shield are less than a month away. The Gen 8 games arrive on Nintendo Switch on November 15, and much like previous installments, it looks like they'll receive plenty of free Pokemon and other bonuses.

    The Pokemon Company has already announced a handful of free Pokemon you'll be able to get in Sword and Shield after they launch, and there will presumably be even more on the way in the future. We've rounded up all the free gifts announced for the titles so far below, and we'll continue to update this list as more are announced.

    In the meantime, a few freebies are still up for grabs for Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. If you have the 3DS games, you'll also be able to snag a Shiny Solgaleo or Shiny Lunala from participating stores beginning October 21.

    Gigantamax-Capable Pikachu / Eevee No Caption Provided © Provided by CBS Interactive Inc. No Caption Provided

    If you have save data from Pokemon: Let's Go Pikachu or Let's Go Eevee on your Nintendo Switch, you'll be able to receive a free Pikachu or Eevee in Sword and Shield. You can claim the free Pokemon from the Wild Area Station roughly two hours into the adventure, and these are capable of Gigantamaxing. However, the free Pikachu and Eevee cannot evolve.

    Gigantamax-Capable Meowth a close up of a logo: No Caption Provided © Provided by CBS Interactive Inc. No Caption Provided

    If you purchase a copy of Pokemon Sword or Shield by January 15, 2020, you'll be able to receive a free Meowth that's capable of Gigantamaxing. You can claim the Pokemon until that date by selecting Mystery Gift from the games' main menu and choosing the "Get via internet" option. Like the aforementioned Pikachu and Eevee, this Meowth cannot evolve.

    Pokemon Sword And Shield News

    Pokemon Sword and Shield Direct stream: Nintendo to expose NEW Switch secrets

    Pokemon Sword and Shield on Nintendo Switch

    Pokemon Sword and Shield on Nintendo Switch (Image: NINTENDO)

    UPDATE: Pokemon Sword and Shield details have been revealed by Nintendo.

    In a brand new gameplay trailer (below), Nintendo reveals a whole host of new Gigantamax Pokemon, including Pikachu, Eevee and Charmander.

    Fans can unlock Gigantamax Pikachu by having a Let's Go Pikachu save file. The same is true of Gigantamax Eevee.

    ORIGINAL: Pokemon Sword and Shield will take centre stage during a brand new Nintendo Direct presentation on October 16, it has been confirmed.

    The Pokemon Sword and Shield Nintendo Direct takes place at 2pm BST in the UK.

    The news was announced over on the official Pokemon Twitter page, alongside a brief teaser about what to expect (below).

    Unfortunately, however, the teaser doesn't give much away, although the GIF would suggest that Nintendo will reveal more about the battle system.

    Or maybe it has something to do with the rumoured Pokemon Go crossover, which is likely to take place after the app's Halloween event comes to an end.

    Nintendo may even take the opportunity to officially reveal the map, especially following a recent leak.

    Express Online will update the article when the new information goes live, so check back later for more on Pokemon Sword and Shield.

    New Pokemon Sword and Shield information is coming thick and fast as we approach the November release date.

    This includes plans to include an auto-save feature in the upcoming Nintendo Switch release.

    Missing from all past entries, the auto-save function should stop players from accidentally losing progress after forgetting to save.

    While the feature is sure to prove popular with fans, traditionalists can opt to turn the autosave feature off.

    Another gameplay tweak involves the distribution of experience after battles.

    Previously, the EXP. Share item could be used to evenly share experience between Pocket Monsters.

    This is no longer the case, as Game Freak opts to automatically share EXP evenly among Pokemon.

    Pokemon Sword and Shield has a November 15 release date, exclusively on Nintendo Switch.

    The game contains lots of new features and a new generation of Pokemon, not to mention a brand new location loosely based on the United Kingdom.

    One of the headline new features is the aforementioned Dynamaxing, which transforms Pocket Monsters into huge beasts with more powerful special moves.

    The Nintendo Switch game will also have more Trainer customisation options, including the ability to change hairstyles and wear makeup.

    Players will also be able to set up camps when exploring the Galar region, and can even cook up a selection of curry dishes.

    Tuesday, October 15, 2019

    Pokémon Go Regigigas Event Announced; Trainers Will Have to Pay for Early Access

    Niantic and the Pokémon Company have announced an upcoming Pokémon Go event for November that involves Regigigas and the rest of the Regis from Gen 3.

    According to the official Pokémon Go blog, starting November 1 players will be able to find Regirock, Regice and Registeel in Raids. Pokémon that are strong against these Legendaries will spawn more frequently in the wild. The blog names Geodude, Spheal, Aron, Magnemite and Swinub specifically as examples of types of Pokémon that will spawn more often.

    Trainers will also find Aerodactyl, Shuckle, Sneasel, Skarmory, Snorunt and Beldum hatching more often from eggs.

    During the event, trainers will be able to to catch Shiny Skarmory, Regice, Regirock and Registeel for the first time in Pokémon Go. The event will last until November 4, so trainers can get their teams together and find as many Raids as possible.

    Trainers will be able to walk and explore to find new Raids, as Incubators will have twice the efficiency as normal during the event.

    A new Special Research event featuring Regigigas is scheduled. This task is called a Colossal Discovery, and it grants trainers special early access to the Legendary Pokémon and to some in-game goodies.

    However, this event can only be accessed by purchasing a ticket for $7.99. Trainers won't be able to use PokeCoins to purchase this item, and this is the first time Pokémon Go has employed this method of releasing a Legendary Pokémon or event.

    According to the official blog, trainers who purchase a ticket will get:

  • A new Special Research story event, featuring an early-access encounter with Regigigas, appearing in Pokémon Go for the first time.
  • A Colossal Discovery medal.
  • Up to 10 free additional Raid Passes during the Special Research story event when you spin a Photo Disc at a Gym. These passes will not be available after the event period. You cannot hold more than one Raid Pass at once.
  • A Unova Stone, a Sinnoh Stone and an exclusive avatar pose from conducting the Special Research event.
  • More information on this new type of research task can be found on the Niantic FAQ page. For those who don't want to purchase the ticket, trainers will find Regigigas in EX Raids after the event.

    What do you think of this new ticket system to release Regigigas early? Let us know in the comments section.

    Pokemon Go Announces Paid In-Game Event for Regigigas

    Pokemon Go has officially announced plans to launch a special in-game event that players have to pay to participate in. Earlier this month, reported that Pokemon Go seemingly had plans to release "A Colossal Discovery," an in-game Special Research Quest that could only be accessed by paying for an Event Ticket. Pokemon Go confirmed these plans yesterday, announcing further details about the upcoming Regigigas event, as well as explaining how players can obtain the Mythical Pokemon without spending any money.

    The Special Research event will be available from 11 AM to 7 PM local time on November 2nd. Purchasing a ticket will give players access to a "unique experience" that's only available during that time period. Not only will players get an early-access encounter with Regigigas, they'll also obtain a special in-game medal, 10 additional Raid Passes, an Unova Stone, a Sinnoh Stone, and an exclusive avatar post for their in-game character. Players can purchase a ticket for the event for $7.99 directly from the Pokemon Go in-game store.

    Players who don't want to spend money to get Regigigas will still have an opportunity to capture the Mythical Pokemon in EX Raids later in November. This means that Regigigas technically isn't hidden behind a paywall, although players will need a bit of luck if they want to be assured of getting this Mythical Pokemon.

    The Colossal Discovery quest will tie into a special in-game event that features the return of the Legendary Golems Regirock, Regice, and Registeel in raids. All three Legendary Pokemon will also have their Shiny variants added to the game. As part of the event, Pokemon like Geodude and Aron will also spawn more frequently. The mini-event will take place from November 1st to November 4th and will be available for all players.

    Monday, October 14, 2019

    'Pokémon Go' Halloween 2019 Event Brings Darkrai Raids and New Shiny Pokémon

    Each year, Niantic and The Pokémon Company bring a new Halloween event for the popular Pokémon Go mobile game and this year is no different.

    The 2019 Halloween Pokémon Go event could be the biggest one yet as it introduces a new Pokémon from the Unova region, new Shiny Pokémon, Shadow Pokémon and even a rare Legendary Raid.

    Before we get into the details, watch the Pokémon Go Halloween event trailer below.

    The Pokémon Go Halloween event is two-fold. The first bit brings new Pokémon and goodies into the game permanently.

    Starting October 17 at 4 p.m. EDT, there will be more Shadow Pokémon to battle and capture in Pokémon Go. The following Pokémon will begin to appear on Team GO Rocket's team: Weedle, Kakuna, Beedrill, Electabuzz, Magmar, Lapras, Mareep, Seedot, Nuzleaf, Sableye, Trapinch, Cacnea, Shuppet, and Duskull.

    Players can dress up their avatars with new Pokémon-inspired gear including a Zubat bag, a Pikachu Onesie, a Cubone cap, a Litwick cap and a Mimikyu bag.

    The Ghost-type Yamask will finally be introduced in Pokémon Go when the event begins. Similar to how other Unova Pokémon like Lillipup and Patrat debuted, Yamask will arrive at the same time as its Shiny form. Yamask evolves into Cofagrigus, so not only will Shiny Hunters want to find the special variant of this Ghost-type, they'll want another to evolve into a Shiny Cofagrigus.

    The Pokémon Go Halloween event, proper, will start October 17 and end Friday, November 1 at 4 p.m. EDT. During this two-week event trainers will see increased spawns of Ghost and Dark-type Pokémon in the wild as well as in Eggs and Raids.

    Some Pokémon will even appear in Halloween costumes in Raids and in the wild. Bulbasaur may appear wearing a Shedinja costume, Charmander wearing a Cubone costume, and Squirtle wearing a Yamask costume in Raids. Pikachu will wear a Mimikyu costume in the wild with all four Pokémon being able to be caught in their Shiny forms.

    There will be new field research tasks to complete during the event as well as a new Special Research that will give trainers a chance at fighting the "Forbidden" Pokémon, Spiritomb.

    Darkrai will appear in five-star raids during the two-week event and trainers will benefit from double candy for catching, hatching and transferring Pokémon.

    What do you think of this year's Halloween event in Pokémon Go? Which Pokémon will you take into battle against Darkrai? Let us know in the comments section.

    G-Shock has made the ultimate retro-cool Baby-G Pokémon watch

    Casio G-Shock's newest collaboration is sure to be one of its most universally popular yet, as it's a collaboration with The Pokémon Company to celebrate the 25th anniversary of its Baby-G range of watches. The Baby-G Pokémon collaboration watch isn't packed with Bluetooth tech or step tracking features; but that doesn't stop it being one of the most delightfully geeky and beautifully presented watches we've seen in a while.

    g shock pokemon watch baby

    Baby-G watches are designed for women, and provide the G-Shock levels of protection that we expect, without the large case that we usually associate with the brand. Based on the BGD-560, the Pokémon Baby-G is still quite large at 44mm wide and 12.5mm thick; but it's not as overpowering as most full-size G-Shock watches, making it considerably more wearable.

    You're going to want to wear it too. A celebration of Pokémon games from the 90s, the matte black strap is covered with pixel-art neon-colored lightning bolts and Poké Balls, a theme that continues on the box the watch comes in. The watch face has Pokémon branding, and when you press the backlight, Pikachu appears behind the numbers. Flip the watch over, and Pikachu's silhouette has been etched in the case back. Finally, the watch comes in a Poké Ball presentation case.

    g shock pokemon watch baby backlight

    Aside from the styling, the Baby-G Pokémon watch features local and world time, timers, alarms, and a battery that will last for about three years. The BGD-560 Baby-G watch is shock resistant and water resistant to 200 meters. There have been numerous limited edition Baby-G watches since the line was introduced in 1994, including those with Hello Kitty, Roxy, and Rebecca Minkoff.

    Like all limited edition G-Shock watches, if you want one of these you should not hang around too long, as they tend to be quickly snapped up by collectors. The Pokémon Baby-G is only available though G-Shock's boutique retail stores and its own online store. The price in the U.S. is only $110, while the price in the U.K. will be 100 British pounds. The release date is November 8, a week before the new Pokémon: Sword and Shield game, which comes out on November 15.

    Editors' Recommendations

    Sunday, October 13, 2019

    New “Pokémon Sword & Shield” Footage Shows The First Town

    Fans have been ecstatic over some newly released footage for Pokémon Sword & Shield showing off the first town you come across in the game. A few people have pointed out this new video, which you can check out below, is similar to the one people saw at Gamescom this year. But it has a few changes as far as the exploration, leading some to believe this may have been originally slated for something at Tokyo Game Show 2019. This video shows off the town in general rather than having a voice-over guide you through it. You can see the area bustling with people, and while it may not be active people, it does harken back to older games in the series where people were just hanging out.

    Game Freak Respond To Missing Pokémon in "Pokémon Sword" and "Pokémon Shield"

    Game Freak Respond To Missing Pokémon in "Pokémon Sword" and "Pokémon Shield"

    Credit: Nintendo

    Enjoy the footage of everything to see and do as we wait for Pokémon Sword & Shield to be released on Nintendo Switch on November 15th.

    About Gavin Sheehan

    Gavin has been a lifelong geek who can chat with you about comics, television, video games, and even pro wrestling. He can also teach you how to play Star Trek chess, be your Mercy on Overwatch, recommend random cool music, and goes rogue in D&D. He also enjoys standup comedy, Let's Play videos and trying new games, along with hundreds of other geeky things that can't be covered in a single paragraph. Follow @TheGavinSheehan on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Vero, for random pictures and musings.


    'Pokémon Sword and Shield:' Directors Talk Starters & Hint at Evolutions

    With Pokémon Sword and Shield about a month away from release, the information regarding new Pokémon of the Galar region has been scarce.

    Game Informer traveled to Japan to speak with Game Freak about the upcoming Gen 8 games, and there has been a lot revealed from those talks including auto-save, the return of some Pokémon and much more. However, the publication's latest series of videos concerns the Sword and Shield starters.

    Sobble, Scorbunny and Grookey were revealed alongside the Gen 8 games, but since then we haven't learned much about them. Fans haven't seen any of their evolutions, and that has left many on the fence about which Starter Pokémon to choose.

    Luckily, Game Informer asked Sword and Shield producer Junichi Masuda, director Shigeru Ohmori and art director James Turner all about the three starters and how they might change.


    The Grass-type starter Grookey has gained a cult-like following since its reveal. The "Grookey gang" may not be large, but they are vocal and are interested to learn more about the Grass-type monkey.

    Ohmori explains that people who choose Grookey are those who like to party and have fun. Since Grookey is a "mood maker" he wants to make people happy.

    When presented with the fact that there are other "monkey" Pokémon in the world the Game Freak team said that, like in the real world, there are many different species of monkeys. And as Grookey evolves, players will see how it's different from Chimchar, for example.

    Watch Game Informer's Grookey interview below.


    The Pokémon community has been waited with equally bated breath for details about a Scorbunny evolution. They are curious to see if this energetic Pokémon will evolve into another Fire and Fighting-type Pokémon.

    Game Informer's interview regarding this Starter Pokémon didn't go into details on the evolution, but they did reveal some interesting tidbits about the Fire rabbit.

    Ohmori explained that the person who would pick Scorbunny is someone who "can keep up with it, and likes to run around." Scorbunny is one who will find itself getting into trouble, which is why players can see the patch over its nose like a band-aid.

    In regards to its evolution, Ohmori says that "seeing the way it grows and evolves is very suspenseful. You never know which direction it's going to take."

    Watch the Scorbunny interview below.


    The Water-type Sobble has quickly become one of the more popular choices in the Pokémon community because of its shy and sad nature.

    Ohmore says, "the people that would choose Sobble are very kind and caring. They're good people."

    Ohmori explains that it's rare for a Starter Pokémon to have a "meek" design and that in Japan there is a section of the population that thinks things are cute because they feel sorry for it. Game Freak was surprised at the positive reaction to Sobble outside of Japan.

    In regards to Sobble's evolution, James Turner - who is picking the Water-type - teased that he likes the Pokémon's evolutions a lot. When Turner was asked what Sobble's evolutions look like he said he couldn't comment.

    Ohmori also teased that, as players go through the Galar region, they will understand why these three Pokémon are the Starters.

    Check out the Sobble interview below.

    Pokémon Sword and Shield releases November 15 for Nintendo Switch.

    What do you think of Game Informer's short series? Which starter will you choose? Let us know in the comments section.