Monday, October 21, 2019

Pokemon GO Battle League: Online PVP battles soon!

Niantic announced today the future release of the system they call GO Battle League for Pokemon GO. This new system will expand on the current Trainer Battles system, the current form of PVP (player vs player) battling in the game here at the tail end of the year 2019. Pokemon GO's Go Battle League will not be entirely limited by physical proximity.

The official word on the new GO Battle League system is that it'll be a combination of GPS-based elements and online elements. As Niantic suggested in a release today, trainers "will be able to walk in order to earn entry into the GO Battle League."

Once a trainer attains entry into the GO Battle League, they'll be able to "battle opponents from around the globe through an online matching system and rise in the ranks of the league." This may well be as accessible as it implies, as Niantic's note also suggested that they "hope this feature will make the Pokémon GO battling experience more competitive and accessible to more Trainers."

It would appear that this system will be different from what we've seen in "Worlds Invitational" Pokemon GO tournament play before. That was a strange affair indeed. This will be more of a year-round sort of situation.

GO Battle League will be released into Pokemon GO in "early 2020" according to an announcement from Niantic today. They've suggested that they'll be "sharing more details in a special Dev Insights video soon. That means we'll have to head to the official Pokemon GO/Niantic YouTube channel to see it first!

Above you'll see a video released by the official Niantic-made, Niantic-run YouTube channel for Pokemon GO. This one is about the Chimchar-based Community Day that'll happen soon – through this video you can check if the company's released this Dev Insights video. We'll be checking back and releasing further insight when we've got a grip on more, too!

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