Thursday, October 24, 2019

Pokemon Go's November 2019 Community Day Features Chimchar

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Pokemon Go developer Niantic has announced the first details for the game's November Community Day. Next month's event is set for Saturday, November 16, and the featured Pokemon this time will be Chimchar, the Fire-type starter from Pokemon Diamond and Pearl.

Throughout November's Community Day, Chimchar will appear in the wild much more often than normal, making this a good opportunity to stock up on Chimchar Candy, which you'll need if you're hoping to evolve it into Infernape. As usual, if you can evolve it up to two hours after the Community Day ends, your Infernape will know a special event-exclusive move.

November's Community Day will also mark your first chance to catch a Shiny Chimchar in the game. On top of that, Pokemon eggs will hatch at a quarter of their normal distance during the event, and as always, any Lure Modules you use will remain active for three hours rather than their usual 30 minutes.

Like the past two Community Days, November's event will take place early in the day, from 11 AM to 2 PM local time. You can read more details about November's Community Day on the official Pokemon website.

Of course, that's not the only event on the horizon for Pokemon Go. The game's annual Halloween celebration runs from October 17 to November 1. During that time, you'll be able to encounter costume-wearing versions of Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle in Raid Battles, while Pikachu wearing a Mimikyu costume can be found in the wild. There will also be increased Ghost and Dark Pokemon spawns, and the Legendary Darkrai will make its debut in five-star Raids.

Following the Halloween event, Niantic is bringing the Regi trio--Regirock, Registeel, and Regice--back to Raids from November 1-4, ahead of Regigigas' debut in EX Raids later in the month. If you want to encounter Regigigas early, Niantic is holding a Colossal Discovery Special Research event on November 2--but you need to pay to participate.

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