Wowzers, I was expecting the MediEvil review to be poor, but 3/10 – ouch.
I must admit, after initially being excited for the remake, I was totally put off by the demo which I thought was woeful, so it didn't surprise me too much. I guess I had a slight hope the full game might have had a few positives. 3/10 seems quite generous based on my limited play, I can hand on heart say I wouldn't have bought the game after playing the demo if it'd have been £1.99.
Such a shame, it's a game I look fondly back on regardless, maybe due to my lower standards back then and only being able to buy one game a month tops. And I think now with hindsight it was probably based on it giving me a few chuckles rather than its quality. My fear is, once it has bombed (which it surely will) then Sony might pull the plug on other remakes they may have had planned if MediEvil had been a success. I'm thinking lesser known similar games like Klonoa, Tombi, etc. or classics crying out for a rejig like Soul Reaver, Ape Escape, and Vagrant Story.
I'd planned on buying MediEvil this month, to tide me over till Shenmue III is released – and I'm expecting that to get a very low score too, but I'll buy it anyway despite knowing already it's going to be terrible. I'll now put the MediEvil money towards The Outer Worlds – a game that wasn't on my radar at all until reading the review on here, which now sounds too good to miss.
Also, I want to play a small part in sending a message to Bethesda, while they're charging people £99.99 to have a private server on a woeful flop I doubt many gamers would touch even if it went free to play (I'm yet to see anyone on my list play Destiny 2, which is a far better game overall).
Obsidian are releasing the best Fallout game that's not quite Fallout. I hope The Outer Worlds sells bucketloads, so they see what can happen when you actually bother to develop a good game. It must already sting them that Fallout fans by and large rate New Vegas as the best game in the series, and now Obsidian have out-Fallout-ed Bethesda yet again.
The Elder Scrolls VI better be a 10/10 garnering behemoth, or Bethesda could be the next big software company to disappear, their reputation is ruined at the moment, it'll take something amazing to turn the tide now I'd imagine. They surely can't keep relying on remastering Skyrim.Lost-Sock-PS: WWE 2K20, can GC think of any other big release this gen that looks so outdated graphically? You could tell people that you're playing it on a PlayStation 2 and they wouldn't bat an eyelid.
GC: Out of those games you mentioned the only one that's owned by Sony is Ape Escape, and there have been a few quiet whispers it might be preparing a comeback.
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