This past summer, we caught a lot of our favorite Pokemon on the silver screen with Detective Pikachu. But we didn't catch them all! While there were a number of classic Pokemon given the live-action treatment in the video game adaptation, there were several who missed the cut.
Alas, they can't all be in the movie. But if plans are set in place to bring Detective Pikachu 2 to life, we hope Warner Bros includes these exciting Pokemon in the sequel.
MeowthIf they are going to make a movie filled with talking Pokemon, the least they can do is introduce Meowth into the fold. One of the earliest Pokemon from the anime's '90s day, it's safe to call Meowth one of the most instantly recognizable Pokemon in the entire expansive genre. Yet, for reasons unknown, the talkative character didn't make any appearances in this summer's detective-story blockbuster. Admittedly, there was no Team Rocket either, so it's not as though the character had an easy way to make itself known. But if there are plans to make a sequel, Meowth would be a great inclusion. After all, for a movie based on a Pikachu character who ultimately forges a bridge between humans and Pokemon, it would be nice to have a companion who can also speak more than its name. Certainly, there is a lot of potential to be found, and it would be a shame if they didn't seize it.
MewDuring the climatic moments of Detective Pikachu, we got to see Mewtwo in a city-wide showdown. But unfortunately, Mew was left absent in the major motion picture. It is a shame because the adorable little Mew is one of the most lovable little Pokemon out there, and we only got a glimpse of his evolved form. Nevertheless, if there is a sequel for Detective Pikachu, it'd be wonderful to spend some time with Mew. The small-yet-powerful little Pokemon is a powerful being, one that shouldn't be messed with. While the chances are slim that we'll get anything close to resembling Mewtwo and its third-act scenes with Mew in the sequel, it'd be nice to see Mew get his due time on the big screen two decades after Pokemon: The First Movie.
CharmeleonWhile we got to see both Chaizard and Charmander in Detective Pikachu, the angsty teen of the group, Charmeleon, did not make an appearance in the new movie. While it is not quite as noteworthy as its predecessor and evolution form, it is hard not to feel bad for Charmeleon. The Pokemon gets entirely left out of the proceedings, and with not explantation or anything in the process? What a bummer. It is hard to know how exactly Charmeleon will make its way into Detective Pikachu 2, but if both Charizard and Charmander can make their way into the first movie, surely Charmeleon can too.
MimikyuSometimes referred to as the "Disguise Pokemon," Mimikyu is a fascinating Pokemon oddity. The character is untraditional, to say the least, as it is unable to feel sunlight on its skin and the very sight of it causes people to fall ill, so it wears clothing to look like a Pikachu in order to make friends. It is a sad little thing, and naturally, the Pikachu dressing it wears makes it a natural fit for Detective Pikachu. Particularly given that the original movie wanted to introduce several original Pokemon into the fold, it's safe to assume that Detective Pikachu will probably feel emboldened to introduce a few of the newer Pokemon into the fold, which should make it easier to find a way to bring Mimikyu into the proceedings. It is such a tragic, tortured character, particularly in Pokemon lore, that it would be fascinating to see it brought onto the screen, and we hope to see it — if not maybe "see it."
Ho-OhSome Pokemon you just want to see brought to life on the silver screen. While not every Pokemon made a smooth transition into "live-action" form, there are several in the hit movie that look stunning, particularly based on their realistic-yet-still-adorable designs. When it comes to Ho-Oh, you really just want to see it brought to life. It looks absolutely gorgeous in it colorful rainbow design, and it is hard to imagine that it'd look anything less than stunning in its display. Sure enough, while it is hard to know how it would factor into the film, there is something absolutely magnificent about this particular Pokemon, and one would be hard-pressed not to want to see it in full majesty on the huge screen. It is such a stunning-looking Pokemon.
MagnemiteThere were surprisingly few magnetic Pokemon in Detective Pikachu. While there are literally hundreds upon hundreds of Pokemon to choose from, in addition to telling a comprehensive story, Magnemite is one of several original Pokemon who nevertheless didn't make the transition into the film. The silver bolt of a character is a fascinating bit of machinery in Pokemon form, and it'd be fascinating to see how its smooth demeanor would translate to film form. Nevertheless, the character was notably absent in the original film, but maybe the magnetic character will make contact with the electronic Pikachu in the sequel. Certainly, at the very least, it would be cool to see how they find a way to bring it into the new movie, whatever it will be about.
WeedleIt is possible that the character made a blink-and-you-miss-it appearance in Detective Pikachu, but if it did, Weedle didn't stay for long. That is a bit of a shame, because while Weedle is far from the most practical or powerful Pokemon, it is such a small, gentle creature that it would provide a nice little mix among the more powerful Pokemon seen on screen. Weedle is an adorable little thing; there is (hopefully) little doubt that its live-action presentation would be adorable too. If Weedle did not weasel its way into Detective Pikachu, it was an all-too-short appearance. Hopefully, the sequel will make a point to give him a bigger display. It might not have a whole lot to do, but it would be nice to see it bob and weave onto the big screen.
LaprasWhile there were certainly quite a few first generation Pokemon that made their way into Detective Pikachu, one that was notably absent was Lapras. And that's a shame, because the sea-based creature is another one of the few Pokemon that understands human speech and it would've been a fine inclusion in the new blockbuster. Nevertheless, the creature didn't make the cut. But perhaps there is some room in the sequel for Lapras to appear!
PonytaThere is a scene early in Detective Pikachu where our main protagonist takes the train to Ryme City and passes several different fields and valleys. In that time, we see a few Pokemon, but we don't see Ponyta, which is a shame. Admittedly, it does perhaps make a bit of sense why this character in particular didn't make the cut. Fire is famously hard to make in CG form, and there's a good chance that this creature simply did not look quite right in its live-action presentation. Nevertheless, if there is room for Ponyta to run free in Detective Pikachu 2, we'd like to see this pony-like Pokemon there.
MudkipAmong the Generation III Pokemon, it's safe to say that Mudkip is one of the most popular. The cute little character is charming and meme-friendly. Yet, the character ultimately didn't make a cameo in the new movie. It is a bummer, but perhaps there is a chance that it will make a cameo in the proposed sequel? If for little else, it would give the sequel some ample online credit and it would be a big hit on social media. Certainly, memes have become the currency through which a movie can gain some healthy exposure. Even just a simple hint of Mudkip would help things out immensely.
Ultimately, these are only a handful of Pokemon that the filmmakers can choose from. There are literally hundreds of different creatures to choose from, and it's hard to pick-and-choose between them. Ultimately, there are several Pokemon out there that fans and viewers alike are familiar with and would love to see. It's still a bit unclear if we're getting Detective Pikachu 2 in the next few years. But should the movie come into fruition, there are quite a few characters that the filmmakers can choose from, and we have only picked a mere handful of the characters that would make their debut.
But let us know what you think! We're sure you have your own personal favorite Pokemon, and we'd be curious to hear which ones you'd like to see in the new movie. Tell us in the comment section which Pokemon you love and which ones you think are overdue to make an appearance in the film.