Sunday, December 8, 2019

Temtem Is Probably the Closest We'll Get to a Pokemon MMO

A Pokemon MMO. Fans want it, but developer Game Freak won't make it. Demand is so strong that there are several fan-made Pokemon MMOs out there that allow players to compete to become the very best.

TemTem's Clan Belsoto TemTem's Clan Belsoto

Enter Temtem, an upcoming MMORPG that isn't shy about the gap in the market it is trying to fill. The official Steam listing describes it as a "massively multiplayer creature-collection adventure inspired by Pokemon... Catch every Temtem, battle other tamers, customize your house, join a friend's adventure or explore the dynamic online world."

Temtem raised over half a million dollars on Kickstarter and is on its way to PC, Nintendo Switch, PS4, and Xbox One. Today we have a new gameplay trailer that explains character customization, multiplayer battles, combat mechanics, and more. Watch the trailer above.

Temtem is managing to tick off some pretty significant boxes: It's a Pokemon-like MMO that Nintendo isn't trying to stop, and it's coming to all modern consoles in addition to PC.

Temtem hits Steam Early Access on January 21st, 2020. You can sign up for the beta stress test at Early access will feature a 20+ hour campaign, 76 Temtem to catch and trade, and three islands to explore.

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