Monday, December 2, 2019

Pokemon Cyber Monday Deals 2019: Sword And Shield For $48, Let's Go Games, And More

With Black Friday over, we're now moving on to different deals for Cyber Monday. Well, sort of different. Most of the deals from Black Friday are still active, including a bunch for Pokemon games, accessories, and other merchandise. That also includes Cyber Monday deals on the recent Pokemon Sword / Shield versions, which just released a couple of weeks ago.

Right now, you can get either Pokemon Sword or Shield for $48 from Ebay. While the Cyber Monday deal is expected to last through December 2, the stock isn't. However, the stock has refreshed a couple of times this weekend, so if you find the games are sold out, it's probably worth keeping an eye on just in case. As of our last update, both games are in stock.

Some older Pokemon games are also on sale ahead of Cyber Monday. You can pick up last year's Switch Pokemon titles, Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee, for $43 each at Amazon, while Pokemon Ultra Moon for 3DS is $32.84.

Those are just a few of the good Pokemon deals we've seen for Cyber Monday 2019; we've rounded up even more below. Plus, check out more of this year's best Cyber Monday deals across gaming, tech, and entertainment.

More Cyber Monday 2019 deals

Pokemon Sword and Shield (Switch)Pokemon Sword and Shield (Switch) Pokemon Sword & Shield | $48 ($60)

The first Gen 8 Pokemon games take players to Galar, a picturesque region that's home to a variety of new and familiar Pokemon to catch and raise. While the games don't stray very far from the series' established formula, Sword and Shield introduce a handful of new features to help keep the experience fresh, including the Wild Area, an open-world locale where some incredibly strong Pokemon roam about. There are also some new battle mechanics to master like Dynamaxing, which temporarily supersizes a Pokemon during battle.

Right now, the best deal on Pokemon Sword and Shield is $48 with free shipping as part of Ebay's Cyber Monday sale.

Luigi's Mansion 3 + Pokemon SwordLuigi's Mansion 3 + Pokemon Sword Pokemon Sword / Shield + Luigi's Mansion 3 Bundle | $97 ($120)

If you're looking to big up two of this year's biggest Switch games, you can get a copy of Luigi's Mansion 3 bundled with either Pokemon Sword or Shield at Ebay. Purchasing both titles together would normally set you back $120, but you can get both games right now for only $97--a good deal on two of 2019's best Switch exclusives.

Pokemon Ultra Sun and Pokemon Ultra Moon (3DS)

Pokemon Ultra Sun and Pokemon Ultra Moon (3DS)

Pokemon Ultra Sun and Pokemon Ultra Moon (3DS) Pokemon Ultra Moon | $32.84 ($40)

The final mainline Pokemon games to hit the 3DS, Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon are, at their core, upgraded versions of 2016's Sun and Moon versions. While the basic storyline generally remains the same, the Ultra games expand the narrative with a new subplot focusing on the Legendary Pokemon Necrozma. A new organization called the Ultra Recon Squad also figures into the story, and there are several new Ultra Beasts to catch as well. Unfortunately, Ultra Sun is sold out almost everywhere, but Ultra Moon is available at Amazon for $32.84 for Cyber Monday.

Best Pokemon collectible deals

Pokemon Adventures manga set

Pokemon Adventures manga set

Pokemon Adventures manga set Pokemon Adventures manga box set | $24.74 ($55)

The Pokemon Adventures manga has been around since the earliest days of the series, continuing to this day. This box set includes the first seven volumes of the series. Volumes 1-3 follow the story of Red as he journeys around Kanto on a quest to become Pokemon League Champion, while volumes 4-7 take place two years later and star a new protagonist, the titular Yellow and her Pikachu.

Pokemon Squirtle Plush

Pokemon Squirtle Plush

Pokemon Squirtle Plush Pokemon Squirtle Plush | $12 ($15)

What Pokemon fan can resist own a plush of their favorite monster? As one of its Cyber Monday Lightning Deals, Amazon is selling an eight-inch plush of Squirtle--the best starter Pokemon--for only $12. You can also get a 12-inch Charizard plush for $18, down from its normal price of $25. You better act fast, though; like all Lightning Deals, these are available in limited quantities.

Pokemon TCG Sun & Moon: Cosmic Eclipse Elite Trainer Box

Pokemon TCG Sun & Moon: Cosmic Eclipse Elite Trainer Box

Pokemon TCG Sun & Moon: Cosmic Eclipse Elite Trainer Box Pokemon TCG Sun & Moon: Cosmic Eclipse Elite Trainer Box | $40 ($50)

Walmart is offering a handful of deals on various Pokemon Trading Card Game box sets ahead of Black Friday, including this Elite Trainer Box for the series' recent Sun & Moon: Cosmic Eclipse expansion. The box includes eight Cosmic Eclipse booster packs, as well as a bunch of Energy cards, 65 card sleeves (featuring Dialga, Palkia, and Arceus), dice, game markers, and more. It also comes with a guide that teaches you some helpful strategies. If you're looking for other Pokemon TCG gifts, be sure to also consider the Unified Minds Elite Trainer Box and Detective Pikachu Greninja-GX Case File. The Cosmic Eclipse box is currently sold out at Walmart, but you can still get it at Best Buy for $40.

More Cyber Monday 2019 deals

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    Now Playing: The Best 2019 Black Friday & Cyber Monday Deals - GS News Update

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