Saturday, December 21, 2019

Pokemon Sword and Shield Brings in the Holidays With Delibird Max Raids

December 21, 2019 4:08 PM EST

Pokemon Sword and Shield is bringing in the holiday season with a brand new Max Raid battle featuring Pokemon's unofficial holiday mascot Delibird. Delibird is an Ice/Flying type that has a signature attack called "Present," which has unpredictable results ranging from inflicting major damage to even healing the target instead.

Defeating Delibird in Max Raid Battles will also give players more candies as rewards during the event. Players can encounter Delibird in the Wild Area and can appear in any Dynamax den, so players should just bounce from den to den until they find a Delibird that appeals to them. Delibird raids will have five levels of difficulty, ranging from easy one Star raids to more difficult five Star raids. The event will last until December 25th, fittingly enough.

According to the latest NPD data for Pokemon Sword and Shield, the latest installment in the long running series, has the highest launch month dollar sales in Pokemon franchise history. And for the month of November, Pokemon Sword was the third best selling game, the double pack including both titles ranking at fourth place, and Pokemon Shield being in fifth place. However, if you combined those sales then total it would bring them to the number two spot.

In other recent news, Pokemon Sword and Shield are already the eighth best-selling Nintendo Switch games of all time at six million units sold during its launch weekend alone. Check out pictures of the game's launch event held at Nintendo NYC. And in not so cheery recent news, Pokemon Company International is looking to sue leakers who spread around pictures of their then unreleased official strategy guide.

The Pokemon Company announced a new animated series called Pokemon: Twilight Wings, which will debut on YouTube next month. The seven-part animated web series will be coming in January 2020 with each episode approximately five minutes long. Not to mention the studio that's developing and animating is Studio Colorido, which was previously known for producing the animated film Penguin Highway, and is being directed by Shingo Yamashita.

Pokemon Sword and Shield released for Nintendo Switch on November 15th. Meanwhile check out our in-depth review for the game here, in which the News Editor states that "Pokemon Sword and Shield are a lot of fun, even if the series is experiencing growing pains with the transition to home consoles." You can purchase Sword here and Shield here.

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December 21, 2019 4:08 PM EST

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