Saturday, December 14, 2019

‘Pokemon Go’: Where to spend December’s epic Community Day in the Bay Area

As expected, Niantic is wrapping up the year with an epic two-day Community Day extravaganza.

The team is bringing back every Community Day pocket monster going back to 2018. This gives lapsed or newcomers a chance to catch up and grab important Pokemon that they must have missed. The following creatures and their shiny forms will be available from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Dec. 14 and 15: Beldum, Larvitar, Bulbasaur, Charmander, Dratini, Eevee, Chikorita, Squirtle, Cyndaquil, Pikachu, Mareep, Bagon, Treecko, Torchic, Mudkip, Swinub, Ralts, Turtwig, Totodile, Chimchar, Trapinch and Slakoth.

That's a ton of Pokemon to keep track of and a few will be important to grab. The reason for this is that these Pokemon can learn exclusive Community Day moves that make them some of the best in the game. The vital ones will be:Larvitar — The evolution to Smackdown Tyranitar makes it a powerful Rock-type attackerBeldum — The evolution to Meteor Mash Metagross makes it a top Steel-type attackerBulbasaur — The evolution to Frenzy Plant Venusaur makes it a top Grass-type attackerCharmander — The evolution to Blast Burn Charizard makes it a top Fire=type attacker plus the shiny evolution is gorgeous.Bagon — The evolution to Outrage Salamence makes a great Dragon-type attacker.Trecko — The evolution to Frenzy Plant Sceptile makes it a top Grass-type attacker.Torchic — The evolution to Blast Burn Blaziken makes its a top Fire-type attacker and must for Team Rocket boss battles.Mudkip — The evolution to Hydroo Cannon Swampert makes it a top Water-type attacker and good Pokemon for Team Rocket battles.

Keep in mind, players must evolve these Pokemon during the set times over the weekend to get those moves. For PvP players, they'll definitely want another chance at Eevees and Trapinch. Both are important Pokemon in player-vs-player battles. Just make sure to walk an Eevee 10 kilometers and evolve at night for a Last Resort Umbreon while players should evolve the Trapinch into Flygon to get a Pokemon with Earth Power.

For those who want to get the most out of this Community Day, the prime-time hours to go hunting is 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on both Saturday and Sunday. In addition, players can expect double catch stardust and experience so save those lucky eggs and star pieces. Players can expect half egg hatching distance as well. The eggs obtained during the Community Day weekend will hatch the 2018 Pokemon. Lastly, there are reports of a Celebrate 2019 Special Research, which will give players a a Unova Stone, nine rare candy and 20 ultra balls.

With that said, here are some of the best places in the Bay Area to spend this super-sized "Pokemon Go" Community Day weekend during the 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. bonus time hours. These have been mentioned in Pokemon Discords around the region. Also expect mostly sunny weather for both days:

Berkeley: If you're in the East Bay, the UC Berkeley campus is one of the best spots to catch. Plenty of players in the community will be circling the campanile. Expect the Pokestops around the area to also be lured up.

San Francisco: If you're in city, there are ideally two spots to hunt for Pokemon. The first is on the Embarcadero from roughly the Ferry Building to the Cupid's Span scuplture. The other area is in Golden Gate Park centered on Botanical Gardens and Stow Lake boathouse.

South Bay: The South Bay community is more spread out and I haven't been to a Community Day in any of the cities there. These sites are mentioned in the Pokemon Go: San Jose Discord but I haven't verified them.De Anza College (Cupertino)Central Park (Santa Clara)Oakridge Mall (South San Jose)San Jose State University (Downtown San Jose)Overfelt Gardens (East San Jose)

If you know of any popular spots or gatherings for Pokemon Community Day, please email me at

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