The Pokemon GO Lunar New Year event just went live, and with it comes a number of bonuses including certain Pokemon getting increased encounter rates.
Here are all the Pokemon receiving increased spawns in the wild during the event, according to Niantic:
While Gyarados wasn't listed among the Pokemon receiving increased spawn rates during the event, it none the less can be encountered in the wild. You even have a slim chance of catching a Shiny Gyarados.
In addition, you'll be able to hatch Shuckle, Foongus and Darumaka from 7 km Eggs. Darumaka in particular will make its Pokemon GO debut during the event.
In addition to the increased encounter rates for certain Pokemon, gifts will occasionally award Rare Candies during the event, according to Niantic. Both the chance of becoming Lucky Friends and getting a Lucky Pokemon through a trade will increase during the event.
All of these bonuses will last from now until February 3 at 1:00 p.m. PST.
But that's not all. On February 2 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. local time, Minccino and its evolution Cinccino will be added to the game as part of a special Limited Research event. During that time, you can complete Field Research tasks to encounter Minccino. You can also hatch Minccino from 5 km Eggs. Shiny Minccino will also be added to the game. In addition, Rattata, Raticate, Pikachu, Sandshrew, Nidoran (male), Nidoran (female), Sentret, Marill, Zigzagoon, Plusle, Minun, Bidoof and Patrat will receive increased encounter rates in the wild during the event.
In other Pokemon GO news, the non-ticketed, city-wide Taiwan Lantern Festival will appear in Taichung City, Taiwan from February 6 to 9, according to Niantic. In the event, players can find electric-type Pokemn like Mareep and Electrike as well as Unown L, Chimecho, Volbeat and Illumise, the latter of which doesn't normally spawn in the region.
St. Louis will welcome the first Safari Zone event of the year at Tower Grove Park from March 27 to 29, where players will catch Mankey, Unown S, Teddiursa, Snivy, Ferroseed and the southern hemisphere-exclusive Chatot. Players can purchase tickets for the event right now, though be advised that March 28 is already sold out according to one user on The Silph Road Subreddit. The United Kingdom will experience it's first ever Safari Zone event in Liverpool from April 17 to 19, according to Niantic. There will also be another Safari Zone in Philadelphia from May 8 to 10.
The featured Pokemon for Community Day February 2020 will be decided by players. On February 1, you can complete Research Tasks to vote for a specific Pokemon to be featured, according to Niantic. There are four Pokemon on offer and each will have an exclusive move when evolved during Community Day: Vulpix with Weather Ball (Kanto Ninetales will learn the fire-type Weather Ball while Alolan Ninetales will learn the ice-type Weather Ball), Machop with Payback, Rhyhorn with Rock Wrecker and Dratini with Superpower.
See also:
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