Sunday, January 5, 2020

Pokemon Sword and Shield Eeveelutions: How to Evolve Eevee

In Pokemon Sword and Shield, Eevee has eight different possible evolutions (aka Eeveelutions). The evolution you get depends on the method you use to evolve it. These Eeveelution methods are the same as previous games but evolving Eevee into Glaceon and Leafeon is now easier - and Sylveon can evolve with Friendship just like Espeon and Umbreon. And of course, you can always just catch these Eeveelutions - avoiding the work of evolving them all together. Here's how to evolve Eevee into all its evolutions plus where to find and catch Eevee and its evolutions.Click through the gallery above or scroll down for the full list.

How to Catch Eevee You can catch an Eevee on Route 4 in Pokemon Sword and Shield. It's very rare, but sometimes you'll see it in the overworld! If you have save data for Pokemon Let's Go Eevee you can get a free Gigantamax Eevee, but that specific Eevee cannot evolve at all.If you want a Hidden Ability Eevee, you will have to catch one during a rare Max Raid Battle. Look for a purple beam with clouds around it at a den in Bridge Field of the Wild Area. You can catch any of the Eeveelutions through Max Raid Battles or near the Lake of Outrage in the Wild Area but their appearances are rare so learning how to evolve them is your best bet. How to Evolve Eevee into Sylveon Sylveon is a Fairy-type Eevee evolution, first introduced in Pokemon X and Y.

Increase Eevee's Friendship to three-hearts and level it up when it knows a Fairy-type move to evolve it into Sylveon. You can see these hearts appear above your Pokemon's head when you interact with it while camping. Friendliness appears as hearts and the more hearts it has the friendlier it is. An easier way to check friendship is to visit the friendship checker, located in the building on the right of the Pokemon center in Hammerlocke. Have that young boy check your Pokemon.If the friendship checker says "You two get along great! Together is always better--am I right?" then Eevee is friendly enough to evolve into Sylveon.Sylveon used to evolve only with "Affection" earned by playing with it in Pokemon Amie / Pokemon Refresh in past games. But Friendship and Affection have largely been combined in Pokemon Sword and Shield.Check out our Friendship guide page for everything you need to know about Frie ndship, including other Pokemon that evolve through Friendship.How to Evolve Eevee into Espeon Espeon is a Psychic-type Eevee evolution, introduced in Pokemon Gold and Silver. Raise Eevee's Friendship to three hearts, and then level it up during the day.

Make sure Eevee does not know a Fairy-type move, or it will evolve into Sylveon! You can delete a move from the NPC in the left counter inside any Pokemon Center.How to Evolve Eevee into Umbreon Umbreon is a Dark-type Eevee evolution, introduced in Pokemon Gold and Silver. Evolve Eevee into Umbreon by raising its Friendship to three hearts, except this time, make sure it levels up at night time. If you take it to the friendship checker in Hammerlocke, he will say "You two get along great! Together is always better--am I right?"

Make sure Eevee does not know a Fairy-type move, or it will evolve into Sylveon! You can delete a move from the NPC in the left counter inside any Pokemon Center. See How to Raise Friendship for more information.How to Evolve Eevee into Flareon Flareon is a Fire-type Eevee evolution, and is one of the original three Eeveelutions. To evolve Eevee into Flareon, just give it a Fire Stone.You can find Fire Stones by the circle of rocks on the hill in the Lake of Outrage region of the Wild Area and can also receive them as rewards from the Digging Duo in the Wild Area.How to Evolve Eevee into Vaporeon Vaporeon is a Water-type Eevee evolution, and is one of the original three Eeveelutions. To evolve Eevee into Vaporeon, just give it a Water Stone.You can find Water Stones by the circle of rocks on the hill in the Lake of Outrage region of the Wild Area and can also receive them as rewards from the Digging Duo in the Wild Area.How to Evolve Eevee into Jolteon Jolteon is an Electric-type Eevee evolution, and is one of the original three Eeveelutions. To evolve Eevee into Jolteon, just give it a Thunder Stone.

You can find Thunder Stones by the circle of rocks on the hill in the Lake of Outrage region of the Wild Area, and can also receive them as rewards from the Digging Duo in the Wild Area.How to Evolve Eevee into Leafeon Leafeon is a Grass-type Eevee evolution introduced in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. You no longer have to bring Eevee to a certain location with a Moss Rock to evolve it into Leafeon in Pokemon Sword and Shield. Just give it a Leaf Stone.Like the other evolutionary stones, you can get a Leaf Stone by the circle of rocks in the Lake of Outrage region of the Wild Area and as a reward from the Digging Duo.

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