Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Pokemon Manga Confirms Some Shocking Family Ties

Another day, another Pokemon revelation is here to rock fans. It seems the franchise has made it a mission to inform fans about its longest secrets in 2020 as a rather big reveal was just made. Thanks to the Pokemon: Sun and Moon manga, fans just learned two heroines are actually sisters!

Over on Twitter, SihZari shared the big news thanks to their manga reaction. The reader checked out Pokemon's special chapter, and it was there the manga confirmed Dawn (or rather Platinum) has a little sister, and she is none other than Moon.

No, not the moon. We are talking about Moon, one of the main protagonist of Pokemon Adventures.

It turns out the Sinnoh heroine is related to Dawn. Fans were introduced to Moon awhile back when the Pokemon Adventures manga headed to Alola. They learned Moon was a foreigner to the region, but the genius had come to Alola to heal her sister's poisoned Piplup. She dreams of becoming a Poison Specialist, and her journeys through Alola have been all business and no play.

As for Dawn, the girl was introduced years ago in the anime. She was Ash's main travel companion in the Diamond and Pearl arc. Dreaming of becoming a Coordinator, Dawn was introduced with her Piplup, and it seems that Pokemon is the one who Moon has been overseeing in Alola. Over in the manga, Dawn is known as Platinum, but her Berlitz heritage muddles Moon's relationship. Now, it seems as if Moon is related to the family which has got Platinum/Dawn fans freaking out big time.

What do you make of this surprising Pokemon reveal...? Let me know in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB to talk all things comics and anime!

Pokemon: The Series, is now airing new episodes weekly in Japan, but unfortunately is still not officially licensed for an English language release as of this writing. Staff confirmed for the new series include Daiki Tomiyasu serving as chief director for OLM, Maki Odaira as series director, and Kunihiko Yuyama as creative supervisor.

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