Friday, September 20, 2019

More Pokémon Confirmed to Return in 'Pokémon Sword and Shield'

The Pokémon Company released a new feature on its website called the Dynamax Camera, which allows fans to use landscape photos on their smartphone and add a Dynamax Pokémon to it.

While the new feature is a neat way to involve Pokémon fans, it actually confirms the inclusion of certain Pokémon in the Sword and Shield games.

According to Serebii, there are 50 Dynamax Pokémon that will appear in the Dynamax Camera and it confirms Sableye, the Ribombee line and Aegislash line will be included in Sword and Shield.

Sword and Shield currently has 250 Pokémon in the Galar Dex. This number includes both new and returning Pokémon. You can check out the running list of returning Pokémon on Serebii.

The Gen 8 games also bring more regional variants, called Galarian forms, as well as regional evolutions of older Pokémon like Obstagoon and the recently announced Sirfetch'd.

The inclusion of Sableye, the Aegislash and Ribombee lines weren't the only older generation Pokémon added this week. During the Sirfetch'd reveal, the Escavalier line was confirmed via the Japanese trailer as the rival of Sirfetch'd.

Dynamax and Gigantamax are brand-new battle features introduced in Galar, and they essentially, take the place of Mega Evolution and Z-Moves which are not returning in Sword and Shield.

The biggest controversy surrounding Pokémon Sword and Shield was the announcement that not every Pokémon will be obtainable in the Gen 8 games. Junichi Masuda of GameFreak said as much during the E3 2019 Nintendo Treehouse Live demo. The upcoming Pokémon Home app for smartphones, which acts like Pokémon Bank, won't be able to transfer every 'mon from past games into Sword and Shield.

GameFreak deliberated extensively to figure out which Pokémon to include. Masuda wrote a letter explaining the team's decision further.

"There are a couple of different parts to the thinking behind it, but really the biggest reason for it is just the sheer number of Pokémon," Masuda explained. "We already have well over 800 Pokémon species, and there's going to be more added in these games. And now that they're on the Nintendo Switch, we're creating it with much higher fidelity with higher quality animations. But even more than that, it's coming down to the battle system. We're making sure we can keep everything balanced and give all the Pokemon that appear in the games a chance to shine.

"We knew at some point we weren't going to be able to indefinitely keep supporting all of the Pokémon, and we just found that Sword and Shield would probably be a good point to go back and reevaluate what would be the best selection of Pokémon that appeal to the widest audience while keeping into consideration the balance of the battle system. It isn't just going to be all-new Pokémon in the Galar region Pokedex; there's still going to be a lot of favorites that fans will be able to bring over that they've adventured with previously. But yeah, it was pretty much just balancing and getting this optimal selection of Pokémon for the adventure we wanted to provide."

However, the announcement was not met with understanding from the Pokémon Community. Hashtags like "bring back national dex" and more continue to flood Pokémon's social media accounts months after the announcement.

Pokémon Sword and Shield releases November 15 for Nintendo Switch.

What do you think of the latest Pokémon to make it to the Galar region? Let us know which returning Pokémon you want to see next in the comments section.

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