Monday, September 16, 2019

Whismur Is Still Weirdly Hard To Find For The ‘Thousand Year Slumber’ Quest in ‘Pokemon GO’

I really, really didn’t think this was going to happen at any point in my Pokémon GO experience. I have caught literally hundres of Whismur during my time playing this game, and that’s not counting the hundreds more that I’ve seen and not bothered with. Whismur, for a long time, was one of the most common Pokémon in the game, one of the easiest things to farm for evolution experience and just generally a nuisance. And yet now, I somehow find myself in the situation where all I want is a Whismur: my kingdom for a Whismur.

When the new “Thousand Year Slumber” quest debuted to get Jirachi in this game, it seemed like the Feebas part of the quest was going to be one of the hardest steps: Feebas is a historically rare Pokémon with a high candy requirement and a walking requirement to boot, the sort of thing that a player without candy reserves could easily get stuck on. And yet for me, it’s Whismur that’s been the issue: I’ve seen one of these things since I got this quest, and I’m still waiting for my chance to finally move on to stage 3.

It’s a function of how Pokémon spawns work in this game, and of how they’ve evolved over time. Common Pokémon used to be common all the time, because we spent most of our time in what we can consider the “normal” state: i.e. no event spawns. But as time has gone on we’ve wound up spending less and less time during the “normal” state and more time inside of one event or another. It’s a good way to keep player’s interested, overall, but it has the odd side effect of making what should be common Pokémon surprisingly difficult to find.

I’m hoping that next week’s Gen 5 debut will bring some relief. Historically, new generations appear alongside normal spawns, and as a result previous generation common mon are also available in good numbers during that time. If not, I’ll still be in this entirely unexpected state of a long-term Whismur hunt. The game does have a way of surprising you.

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