Giratina is back in Pokémon Go raids, and whether you're fighting its Origin Forme or Altered Forme, you'll want the same counters.
When the spooky Pokémon is in its Origin Forme (the one that looks like a snake), it's the strongest ghost-type DPS in the game, even with the release of fifth generation Pokémon. Altered Forme is mainly good for PvP, but is worth having for your Pokédex. This time around, lucky players may find a Shiny Giratina.
Both forms of Giratina are ghost- and dragon-type, meaning that they have a plethora of weaknesses. However, if you use ghost- and dragon-type Pokémon against Giratina, be prepared to dodge and get hit hard. Ice-, dark-, and fairy-type moves will also help get the job done. Below are some good counters:
Once you get your Giratina, the best moveset for it is Shadow Claw and Dragon Claw for Altered Forme Giratina, and Shadow Claw and Shadow Ball for Origin Forme.
Altered Forme Giratina is back in raids until Oct. 17 at 4 p.m. ET and it's looking likely that Origin Forme Giratina may return after that date. If you're not Shiny hunting, it might be worth saving your raid passes until the stronger version of this ghostly Legendary returns.
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