Monday, September 30, 2019

‘Pokémon GO’ Could Be Teasing One Of Its Weirdest Pokémon, Gen 4’s Rotom [Update]


The PokemoN Company

Players are trying to figure out what to make of a mysterious tweet from the official Pokémon GO Twitter yesterday which talks about Professor Willow finding something odd on his computer:

Once all the obvious “hidden folder” jokes have passed, players are now speculating that this could have something to do with Rotom, a Gen 4 Pokémon that has not shown up in the game yet. Why does this tease potentially have something to do with Rotom?

Rotom is one of the weirder Pokémon out there, and that’s saying something, considering how strange some of the later gen Pokémon get. He’s a multi-form Pokémon that turns into different forms when…possessing different household objects. From Bulbapedia:

  • When it does not possess an appliance, it is Electric/Ghost-type.
  • When it possesses a microwave oven, it becomes Heat Rotom, and is Electric/Fire-type.
  • When it possesses a washing machine, it becomes Wash Rotom, and is Electric/Water-type.
  • When it possesses a refrigerator, it becomes Frost Rotom, and is Electric/Ice-type.
  • When it possesses an electric fan, it becomes Fan Rotom, and is Electric/Flying-type.
  • When it possesses a lawnmower, it becomes Mow Rotom, and is Electric/Grass-type.
  • The idea that Pokémon GO players have is that perhaps Rotom has possessed a different household object, Professor Willow’s computer, and is on its way to entering the main game as result. It’s not clear how these different forms would be handled in GO, but the game has managed to get its head around some of the stranger Pokémon and multi-forms in the game, so I’m sure it could figure something out.

    Where there is one cryptic tweet, there are bound to be others, so perhaps we’ll get some clarity on what GO is planning as time goes on here. It’s possible this may not have to do with Rotom at all, since we know that a computer is not one of his forms, but we’ll see. Rotom is weird but not a mythic or legendary so this seems like quite a bit of fuss for just him.

    Stay tuned to this post for updates, and we’ll see if we get another tease of…whatever this is later today.

    Update: A series of new images appear to show new NPCs, with the GO account speculating they could be related to Team Rocket. So Rotom is looking pretty unlikely at this point:

    Follow me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Read my new sci-fi thriller novel Herokiller, available now in print and online. I also wrote The Earthborn Trilogy.

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