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The first Gen 5 Pokemon have finally made their debut in Pokemon Go today as part of the game's third and final set of Ultra Bonuses. Players around the world are now able to encounter a variety of monsters originally from Pokemon Black and White versions, with even more to come over the next few months.
As teased, the three Unova starters--Snivy, Tepig, and Oshawott--are among the new Pokemon you can find, and they'll be available both in the wild and from certain eggs. They certainly aren't the only Gen 5 monsters coming to the game, however. Pidove, Lillipup, Patrat, and more will also appear in the wild, while Litwick, Ferroseed, Deino, and others can hatch from 10 km eggs.
Depending on where you live, you'll also be able to encounter a handful of new region-exclusive Pokemon. Durant and Heatmor will only appear in the Eastern and Western hemispheres, respectively, while the three elemental monkeys Pansage, Pansear, and Panpour will each be exclusive to certain parts of the world.
Finally, to coincide with the Gen 5, Niantic is introducing a new evolutionary item to the game called the Unova Stone. Much like the Sinnoh Stone, this is required to evolve certain Gen 5 Pokemon, such Lampent, and it can be obtained through Research Breakthroughs.
Below, we've rounded up all the Gen 5 Pokemon confirmed for Pokemon Go so far, along with all the known ways you can obtain them. We'll continue to update this list as more Gen 5 Pokemon are introduced to the game, so be sure to check back often if you're looking to add a particular Unova Pokemon to your collection.
Gen 5 Pokemon How To Obtain Snivy Wild, 5 km eggs Servine Evolve Snivy Serperior Evolve Servine Tepig Wild, 5 km eggs Pignite Evolve Tepig Emboar Evolve Pignite Oshawott Wild, 5 km eggs Dewott Evolve Oshawott Samurott Evolve Dewott Patrat Wild, Raids, 2 km eggs Watchog Evolve Patrat Lillipup Wild, Raids, 2 km eggs Herdier Evolve Lillipup Stoutland Evolve Herdier Purrloin Wild, 2 km eggs Liepard Evolve Purrloin Pansage Asia-Pacific exclusive Simisage Evolve Pansage Pansear Europe, Middle East, Africa, India exclusive Simisear Evolve Pansear Panpour Americas, Greenland exclusive Simipour Evolve Panpour Pidove Wild, 2 km eggs Tranquill Evolve Pidove Unfezant Evolve Tranquill Blitzle Wild Zebstrika Evolve Blitzle Drilbur 5 km eggs Excadrill Evolve Drilbur Foongus Wild, 5 km eggs Amoongus Evolve Foongus Ferroseed 10 km eggs Ferrothorn Evolve Ferroseed Klink Raids, 10 km eggs Klang Evolve Klink Klinklang Evolve Klang Litwick 10 km eggs Lampent Evolve Litwick Chandelure Evolve Lampent (via Unova Stone) Golett 10 km eggs Golurk Evolve Golett Heatmor Western hemisphere exclusive Durant Eastern hemisphere exclusive Deino 10 km eggs Zweilous Evolve Deino Hydreigon Evolve Zweilous
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