Wednesday, September 25, 2019

New Pokemon Go Event Announced, And It Finally Adds Mime Jr.

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A new Pokemon Go event is set to begin very soon. Developer Niantic has announced it has partnered with the United Nations World Tourism Organisation for a special event in the hit Pokemon mobile game, which will give you a chance to catch a couple of new Shinies and hatch region-exclusive Pokemon, including the long-awaited Mime Jr.

Beginning September 26, you'll be able to grab a United Nations World Tourism Organization t-shirt for your avatar from the item shop. On top of that, you'll be able to hatch region-exclusive Pokemon from 5 km eggs. These Pokemon, however, will still only be available in their respective regions--so players in, say, the US will not be able to hatch a Pansear unless they received a 5 km egg from Europe.

Speaking of Europe, players in the region will have their first chance to obtain Mime Jr., the baby form of Mr. Mime. Mime Jr. is one of the few Gen 4 Pokemon to have yet appear in Pokemon Go, and it is among the region-exclusive monsters that can hatch from 5k eggs during the event. You can see the full list of Pokemon you'll be able to hatch--along with the regions each one can be found in--below:

  • Farfetch'd (Asia)
  • Kangaskhan (Australia)
  • Tauros (North America)
  • Heracross (North America)
  • Corsola (South America, Middle East, Africa, Asia, Australia)
  • Volbeat (Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Europe)
  • Illumise (North America, South America)
  • Torkoal (Asia)
  • Zangoose (Eastern Hemisphere)
  • Seviper (Western Hemisphere)
  • Lunatone (Eastern Hemisphere)
  • Solrock (Western Hemisphere)
  • Tropius (Africa, Mediterranean)
  • Relicanth (New Zealand)
  • Pachirisu (Alaska, Canada, Russia)
  • Mime Jr. (Europe)
  • Chatot (Southern Hemisphere)
  • Pansage (Asia-Pacific)
  • Pansear (Europe, Middle East, Africa, India)
  • Panpour (Americas)
  • Heatmor (Western Hemisphere)
  • Durant (Eastern Hemisphere)
  • On top of that, you'll have your first chance to catch Shiny forms of Seviper and Zangoose in their respective regions. Trading Pokemon will also cost a quarter less Stardust than normal, and you'll earn twice as much XP when you spin the Photo Disc at PokeStops. Finally, there will be special Field Research tasks to complete.

    The special Pokemon Go event will run until 1 PM PT / 4 PM ET on October 1. You can read more details on the official Pokemon Go website. Of course, that isn't the only in-game event on the horizon. October's Community Day is also set for October 12, and it will feature Trapinch, the first form of Flygon. The Legendary Giratina has also returned to Raid Battles for a limited time, while some Gen 5 Pokemon are still appearing in the wild.

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