Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Pokemon Anime Teases Ash's Big Gengar Catch

Pokemon fans have been waiting for Ash Ketchum to catch a certain Ghost-type for a long, long time. It has been well over twenty years since the franchise debuted, and the anime has never been shy about its love of Generation One. In fact, the show's glory days remain with those original 150 Pokemon, but one always escaped Ash's clutches. Now, it seems like the hopeful Pokemon Master is about to fix his luck as a Gengar is poised to join Ash soon.

For those who are not totally caught up with the anime, Pokemon has a new series going on in Japan. The show, which is simply titled Pokemon: The Series, follows Ash after he finishes his tenure in the Alola region. With the Galar region on his radar, Ash and his new friend Go fly all over the known regions to accomplish missions and more.

It was not long ago that one of Ash's comrades met up with a tricky Gengar, and it seems the Ghost-type is ready to meet the trainer face to face. This week's episode ended with a promo confirming the return of Gengar next week. Ash and Go will find themselves confronted by Gengar after being caught in a lab, and fans are sure Ash is about to catch the wayward monster.

After all, Pokemon is not the type of show to waste time on a wild monster like this. If all of this time has been spent hyping up the Ghost-type, then fans are positive Ash is going to catch the Pokemon. This would become a milestone with fans as they have long wanted Ash to welcome a Gengar into his party, but he has never been blessed with one of his own.

Back in the day, Ash did come close to getting a Gengar. The original anime followed the trainer has he traveled with a Haunter for a brief time. Fans wanted Ash to catch the Pokemon then and train it up to a Gengar, but the trainer parted with Haunter in the end. And as you might expect, fans are hoping Ash makes up for that loss in the next few episodes of Pokemon.

Do you think it is about time Gengar teamed up with Ash? Let me know in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB to talk all things comics and anime!

Did you know ComicBook.com has a Pokemon podcast? That's right folks, A Wild Podcast Has Appeared is available every Thursday bringing you the best breakdowns of the week's biggest news from Jim Viscardi, Megan Peters & Christian Hoffer. Catch the newest episode right here or subscribe on iTunes today!

Disclosure: ComicBook is owned by CBS Interactive, a division of ViacomCBS.

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