Tuesday, February 4, 2020

‘Pokémon GO’ Limited Research: How To Evolve Minccino Into Cinccino

Cinccino in the Pokemon anime

Credit: Bulbapedia

It’s Limited Research day here in Pokémon GO. If you’re just joining us, Limited Research day is a little like Community Day in that in takes place during a three-hour window on a single day, and it’s designed to get everyone out and playing at the same time. Unlike Community Day, however, the Pokémon don’t just spawn. Instead, you get special research tasks from each Pokéstop that reward you with an special Pokémon encounter. Today’s creature is a charming little Unova chinchilla named Mincinno that evolves into Mincinno, also available in shiny.

If you want to evolve Mincinno, first you’ll need candies, but you knew that. Getting them is fairly straightforward on a research day, because you just need to finish 15 or so tasks without pinaps and 7 with using a pinap berry on every catch. Once you get that, however, you’re not done. Mincinno, like several other Gen 5 Pokémon, will require an Unova stone to evolve.

If you don’t have an Unova stone ready to go, they’re a bit of a pain to acquire. One of the main sources is field research breakthroughs: complete seven days of field research tasks and you’ll have a chance at getting one. That will take a second, so if you need one quicker you’ll want to build a rocket radar and defeat a Team Rocket Leaderâ€"Or Giovanni himselfâ€"for a shot at one of them. It shouldn’t be all that difficult, but it’s a little less straightforward than grinding out Sinnoh Stones.

Currently, you only need five Unova stones to complete the available Gen 5 Pokédex: one for Pansear, Panpour, Pansage, Lapmpent and now Mincinno. So even if you don’t have one for the event today, it shouldn’t be all that prohibitive to build your collection and get everything you need. Get some extra, however, because I bet we’ll get more in the coming months.

If you’re lucky, you can grab yourself both a shiny Minccino and a shiny Chincinno: if rates are anything like recent research days it shouldn’t be all that hard: I’m still sitting on a massive stack of shiny Clamperl and both of its evolutions from that day. Happy hunting.

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