With February about to begin, Niantic confirmed what Pokémon Go players can expect in the second month of 2020.
According to the official Pokémon Go blog, the popular mobile game will bring a ton of new events, which will see the debuts of 'mon from different regions and more Shiny Pokémon.
There's a lot to go through, and here's a rundown of every event and Pokémon coming to Pokémon Go in February 2020.
Similar to December and January, Pokémon Go players will have a chance to catch another Shadow Legendary Pokémon.
By completing the Team GO Rocket Special Research Shadow Raikou will be available to catch. Defeat the Team GO Rocket leaders and Giovanni to rescue Raikou by the end of February.
In February, collecting seven stamps will give trainers a new Pokémon from the Unova region. Woobat, the Psychic and Flying-type Pokémon, will be the special Pokémon encounter between February 1 at 4 p.m. EST and March 1 at 4 p.m. EST.
Trainers can encounter and catch Woobat even if some of the stamps were collected in January as long as the final stamp is done starting February 1.
Pokémon Go is getting a brand new Legendary Raid in February. Tornadus, the first of the Djinn trio of the Unova region will arrive Tuesday, February 4 starting at 4 p.m. EST and ending Tuesday, February 25 at 4 p.m. in five-star raids.
Tornadus is the first pure Flying-type Pokémon and is weak to Ice, Electric and Rock-type attacks so train up your team in preparation.
Unova region Pokémon may be prevalent in Pokémon Go at the moment, but Niantic is set to celebrate Generation 4 in a Sinnoh region Celebration event.
From Friday, February 7 at 8 a.m. to Monday, February 10 at 10 p.m. local time Pokémon originally appearing in the Sinnoh region will be more prevalent in the overworld and in raids.
Also, Pokémon from the Sinnoh region will hatch more often from 7km Eggs. Some examples of Pokémon hating from these Eggs include: Budew, Combee, Bronzor, Gible, Riolu, Hippopotas, and Mantyke.
Event-specific Field Research can be collected during the event with Sinnoh Pokémon and Sinnoh Stones being the rewards for completing them.
The debut of Shiny Riolu and Shiny Hippopotas is the draw of this event so trainers will want to get outside and start hatching as many Eggs as possible.
Another weekend event celebrates Valentine's Day in Pokémon Go.
From Friday, February 14 at 8 a.m. to Monday, February 17 at 10 p.m. local time pink Pokémon will appear more often in the wild, raids, Eggs and Field Research encounters. This event also marks the debuts of Audino and Alomomola for trainers to add to their Pokédex.
Lures will last six hours and trainers will earn double catch candy during the event.
Also, a special Lickitung Raid Day will take place Saturday, February 15 from 2-5 p.m. local time. These Lickitung will have a chance at being Shiny, marking this variant's debut. Lickitung caught in Raids will also know the Normal-type attack, Body Slam.
There are also two new features being added to Pokémon Go. Pokémon Spotlight Hour will feature a surprise Pokémon. Niantic won't confirm what Pokémon will appear, but trainers can expect it in the wild on Tuesday, February 4 from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. local time.
Mystery Bonus Hour will feature a mystery bonus and will go live in the app on Thursday, February 6 from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. local time.
What do you think of the upcoming February events in Pokémon Go? Let us know in the comments section.
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