One of the newest features in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX is Auto-Mode, in which you can allow the game to control your Rescue Team of Pokemon to explore dungeons more efficiently. We'll explain how Auto-Mode works here, and what you can expect when you turn it on.
This guide is based on the demo version of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX and as such, info may change come launch. We'll be sure to update this page, and related ones, once we get the game.
Auto-Mode is a new feature that gives control of your rescue team over to an AI in the game, essentially allowing it to explore for you. Auto-Mode stops the moment an enemy gets too close or when a team member takes damage, passing control back over to the player until the threat is dealt with. When there's no nearby enemies, Auto-Mode moves the team to any items on that particular floor via the quickest possible route, collecting them as the player would. When all the items are gone, it then moves them to the staircase and down to the next floor.

Auto-Mode can be triggered at any time there isn't an enemy too close by pressing the L-button on the Switch (it won't trigger if an enemy is nearby). Auto-Mode then takes control, showing a white circle around the rescue team leader. That circle marks the point wherein, if an enemy enters, Auto-Mode stops and normal play resumes. By using it to quicken the sections between combat encounters, Auto-Mode allows players who prefer combat to essentially have exploration handled for them (though be warned; the AI is not especially smart and may walk you into opponents even when you're not ready for them).
That should be all you need to know about Auto-Mode and the best way to use it. If you need to know more, we've got pages on the best way to handle hunger and empty bellies, or you can follow this link to learn how to switch party leaders and manage tactics.
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