Friday, April 3, 2020

10 DC Villains (& Who Their Pokémon Partners Would Be)

The many villains of the DC Universe come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. From Catwoman to Darkseid, all kinds of different individuals are represented in the DC comic books. These many unique villains have diverse interests and would make drastically different decisions if offered the same sorts of choices.

Related: 5 Reasons Darkseid Is DC's Numer One Supervillain (& 5 Why It's Anti-Monitor)

One of the best aspects of comic books and fictional worlds is seeing them crossover into other properties. Although DC comics and the world of Pokémon have yet to collide, it is fun to postulate about what that amalgamation might look like. Here are ten DC villains and who their Pokémon partners would be.

10 Catwoman - Espeon

There are many cat Pokémon that Catwoman can choose from. Out of all of them, there is one creature in particular that perfectly captures all of the vital aspects of Catwoman's character. That Pokémon would be, of course, Espeon.

Although it is known as the sun Pokémon, Espeon has a mysterious aura and personality that gives it an interesting mystique. Catwoman is much the same way, while sometimes a criminal, there is a mysterious edge to her that keeps readers and heroes guessing.

9 Ocean Master - Gyrados

The brother of the king of Atlantis, Ocean Master has long vied for the right to the throne. His brother, the Justice Leaguer and superhero Aquaman, has been able to keep Ocean Master from taking over. This is no easy task considering Ocean Master's powers that reflect his namesake.

If he were to have a Pokémon, that monster would need to be one of the biggest, most menacing creatures to ever appear in the series. It would also need to be a water-type, for obvious reasons. The one pocket monster that fits all of those requirements perfectly is none other than Gyrados.

8 Joker - Gengar

The Joker's sadistic smile is one of the scariest sites in the entire DC Multiverse. As soon as someone sees it up close and in person, they instantly become aware that their very mortality is at imminent risk.

Related: DC: 10 Best Joker Voice Actors, Ranked

There is one Pokémon that has a very similar smile to the Joker's. That Pokémon would be the ghost-type Gengar. Gengar takes after Joker not just with his smile, but also with its purple color and overall creep factor. That is why Joker would choose Gengar over all of the others available in the wild.

7 Deathstroke - Scizor

There are very few hand-to-hand combatants that are as masterfully skilled as Deathstroke the Terminator. He can take on anyone in the entire DC Universe and has even gone toe-to-toe with the Batman on several occasions.

Scizor is a perfect match for the DC assassin. Just look at this entry's picture – even their poses are the same. Facing off with either in close quarters combat would not end well for most combatants.

6 Harley Quinn - Mimikyu

Harley Quinn is sort of a cracked mirror version of her former lover and partner in crime, the Joker. While at one time she was Joker's loyal partner and girlfriend, now Harley Quinn runs amock as a sort of anti-hero in the DC Universe.

Related: Bye Harley Quinn: 10 Ways Joker's New Girlfriend, Punchline, Is The Complete Opposite

Just like Harley Quinn is to the Joker, the most popular supervillain of all time, Mimikyu is a cracked mirror version of Pikachu, the most popular Pokémon of all time. His odd, slightly cute yet slightly creepy appearance would be just the type of thing that Harley would fall in love with.

5 Clayface - Muk

It is pretty easy to see why Clayface might be attracted to a Pokémon such as Muk. They both share very similar physiologies to one another. This choice in pocket monster wouldn't be made simply out of familiarity, however. It would be a tactical decision.

Given that their physiologies work in very similar ways, Clayface knows how to best direct Muk's abilities in order to do the greatest amount of damage. This makes Clayface the perfect trainer to take a middling Pokémon in terms of power like Muk and make him an absolute Poké-superstar.

4 Reverse-Flash - Zeraora

As the Flash's greatest enemy, the Reverse-Flash has made it his mission in life to finally become faster than his adversary and then use that speed to utterly destroy him. If he were to choose a Pokémon to train, Reverse-Flash would certainly want to pick one that is nearly as fast as him.

Zeraora is by far one of the fastest Pokémon in all of existence. His speed is lightning quick and would garner even the Reverse-Flash's respect. Out of all the quick Pokémon, this is the one that the Flash villain would go for.

3 Brainiac - Deoxys

The pairing of these two characters makes all the sense in the world. The planet conquesting alien supercomputer that is Brainiac would settle for nothing less than a legendary Pokémon as his companion. What Pokémon could possibly be a better fit than Deoxys? The answer is none.

RELATED: 10 Things Fans Forgot About Brainiac

Deoxys, much like Brainiac, arrived on Earth with unknown origins and a very impressive intellect. No other character suits the Superman villain better.

2 Darkseid - Mewtwo

Darkseid settles for nothing less than total domination. As the leader and god of Apokalips, Darkseid has amassed a massive army in the hopes of eventually spreading his rule across the galaxy. When it comes to his underlings, he accepts nothing less than the absolute best.

That is why Darkseid would inevitably choose Mewtwo. Like Darkseid, Mewtwo is one of the most powerful beings in his respective universe. The two would make for an amazing pair.

1 Anti-Monitor - Giratina

The Anti-Monitor comes from the Anti-Matter Universe. His sole purpose seems to be to consume the entire mainstream DC Universe and totally destroy it. Believe it or not, the Anit-Monitor actually has a Pokémon very similar in nature to himself.

Giratina is not only a legendary Pokémon but one of the strongest of all time. This makes his power level similar to Anti-Monitor's. More importantly, Giratina is the physical manifestation of antimatter in the Pokémon universe. There is not a closer pair to be found between a DC villain and a Pokémon creature.

Next: Darkseid: 10 Things DC Fans Should Know About the Anti-Life Equation

Next Wolverine: 5 Costumes That Made Him Look Cool (& 5 That Were Just Lame)

About The Author

Michael Austin is a freelance writer who graduated from Iowa State University in 2019. You can check out more of his work at:

More About Michael Austin

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