Marvel supervillains are always looking for any sort of advantage they can gain over their superhero counterparts. Whether it be a new powerful weapon, power, or accomplice, these villains will stop at nothing to gain that one thing that will take them over the top.
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If these villains ever happened to crossover with the wonderful world of Pokémon, they would each have drastically different opinions in which Pokémon species they would wish to capture and train. Here are ten Marvel supervillains and who their Pokémon partners would be.
10 Taskmaster - Mr. MimeTaskmaster of the Marvel comic book world is famous for his ability to mimic any superhero's fighting style. From Captain America to Black Panther, Taskmaster can perfectly replicate all of these heroes', and sometimes villains', fighting moves.
In much the same way, Mr. Mime is known for his ability to use the mimic attack against other Pokémon he is fighting. These similarities make Taskmaster and Mr. Mime the perfect trainer/Pokémon duo.
9 Quicksilver - ManectricQuicksilver is essentially the Flash of the Marvel Universe. The one big difference being that Quicksilver is often a supervillain within the world of Marvel. There is no Marvel character that even comes close to matching Quicksilver's top speeds, be it in the comics or the film adaptations.
Similarly, Manectric is one of the fastest Pokémon to ever debut in the fictional world of the wild pocket monsters. Because of this, there would be no better trainer for the little creature than Quicksilver himself.
8 Doctor Doom - MewtwoEvery decision that Doctor Doom makes in the Marvel Universe seems to always bring him one step closer to ultimate power. He will do whatever it takes to finally become the ultimate superhuman so that he can take over the world.
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Mewtwo is the ultimate Pokémon and, much like Doom, is very intelligent. Doctor Doom and Mewtwo are both antagonists who are slightly motivated by good intentions, even though they both do many bad things regardless.
7 Mystique - DittoAs one of the greatest, most mysterious villains in all of the X-Men's history, Mystique lives up to her namesake. With the ability to take on the appearance of anyone she chooses, Mystiques enemies can never see her coming.
Ditto has a very similar ability, as this cute little Pokémon can turn into any opponent that it is fighting. In this way, Ditto and Mystique are exactly the same. That's why Mystique would certainly feel the compulsion to pick Ditto as her Pokémon.
6 Viper - ArbokThe former leader of Hyrda and part-time Captain America villain, Viper, loves herself some snakes. She has joined a team called the Serpent Society and has abilities that relate to the small, slithery creatures.
There is one snake Pokémon that stands above the rest and would probably make for the best partner for Viper. As the evolution of Ekans, Arbok has been around since the very first generation of Pokémon, making it the classic Pokémon snake and one that Viper would be desperate to catch.
5 Dark Phoenix - MoltresA Marvel villain as cosmically powerful as Dark Phoenix needs a Pokémon that is on her level. The only class of Pokémon that even comes close to that power level are the legendary ones. There is one legendary monster that matches the Dark Phoenix quite perfectly.
Moltres is one of the three legendary bird Pokémon and is also a fire-type. These two aspects combined make Moltres appear almost like a phoenix. Side by side, they would be a very terrifying duo to face off with.
4 Loki - ZoruaLoki, the god of mischief, is known for his dishonest trickery. He can always be caught coming up with some sort of dangerous scheme or dastardly plan. The animal most often associated with trickery is the fox. One fox Pokémon embodies this aspect and serves as a great little pocket monster.
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Zorua would be great with Loki, who would not want some super powerful legendary Pokémon. That's what Thor would pick. Loki would want an unsuspecting little trickster that could go under the radar and help him in his schemes.
3 Kingpin - SnorlaxWhile at first glance he may appear to be a very fat man, the Kingpin's massive girth is actually mostly made up of muscle. Through training in several different fighting techniques, Wilson Fisk has learned how to use this weight to defeat his opponents in hand-to-hand combat.
If he chose a Pokémon, Kingpin would want to pick one that he could teach these attacks/methods in order to make it a better fighter. The perfect monster for that is none other than Snorlax.
2 Magneto - MagnetonMagneto is the master of magnetism. Over time, the X-Men enemy has been able to perfect these gifts. In choosing a Pokémon to train, Magneto would no doubt want to stick with what he knows and pick one that also has magnetic abilities.
The final-evolution Pokémon Magneton would fit the bill quite nicely for Magneto. As a final evolutionary form, Magneton can become quite powerful and also has the same abilities as Magneto, which would add to their teamwork and trainer/Pokémon bond.
1 Thanos - GiratinaThanos is Marvel's number one baddie. He has made it his mission on several different occasions to achieve ultimate power so that he could destroy the universe. There would be a few different things Thanos would be looking for when choosing a Pokémon: Something that is extremely powerful and could also further his aims.
The legendary Pokémon Giratina fits both of those categories. Known as the antimatter Pokémon, Giratina is sort of an anti-creation/anti-life Pokémon. It is also one of the most powerful legendary monsters to ever debut in the franchise. Thanos would love both of those aspects of the legendary creature.
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About The AuthorMichael Austin is a freelance writer who graduated from Iowa State University in 2019. You can check out more of his work at:
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