A new event has begun in Pokemon Go. The game's spring celebration is now live until April 16, and it introduces a couple of new springtime Pokemon to catch, as well as a new Shiny.
During the spring event, Pokemon like Exeggcute, Chansey, Mareep, Marill, and Torchic will appear in the wild more often than normal. You'll also have a chance to find Shiny Exeggcute, as well as two special Pokemon: Buneary wearing a flower crown and Pikachu wearing a flower hat.
In addition to the increased wild spawns, you're more likely to hatch Pichu, Togepi, Tyrogue, Chingling, Happiny, Munchlax, and Riolu from 2 km eggs. Any Pichu and Togepi that you hatch will likewise be wearing flower crowns. Niantic has also rolled out a special set of event Field Research tasks that lead to encounters with Alolan Exeggutor, Azumarill, and the rare Gen 5 Pokemon Audino.
Finally, you'll be able to take advantage of a few bonuses during the spring event. First, you'll receive twice the usual amount of Candy for hatching Pokemon. Any Lucky Eggs that you use will also remain active for an hour rather than their usual 30 minutes.
The Pokemon Go spring event runs until 10 PM local time on April 16. You can read more details about it on the official Pokemon website.
The spring event isn't all that's happening in Pokemon Go right now. The Legendary Landorus is appearing in Raids until April 21, and there's a new batch of Field Research tasks for April. Each Research Breakthrough you achieve this month will lead to an encounter with Alolan Exeggutor. You can also claim some free items in Pokemon Go.
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