Pokémon GO was built to be played outside, with friends, as you wandered around and explored interesting landmarks around you — or, you know, the exact opposite of what we're supposed to be doing right now.
Niantic has been working on transitioning the game into something that can still be played from your couch (Pokémon StayTheHellAtHome, if you will), and today it detailed one of the bigger upcoming changes: remote raids.
Raids, first introduced in 2017, allow players to band together to take down massive, super-strong and often quite rare Pokémon. If the group wins, everyone gets the chance to catch the Pokémon.
Up until this point, raiding meant going to a specific location at a specific time to meet with up to 19 other players. That idea… doesn't really work anymore. Thus, remote raids!
Here's how it'll work:
Niantic also mentioned that they'll be giving each player one daily stay-at-home-centric "Field Research" task, and that Buddy Pokémon will now bring you item-packed gift boxes to send to friends rather than requiring you to visit Pokéstops. Items, meanwhile, will now be stackable in their duration. Know you want incense drawing Pokémon to your location for the next two hours but don't want to have to remember to fire one off every 30 minutes? Trigger four at once, and they'll stack.
Niantic hasn't given a specific time frame for when remote raids will roll out, saying only that they're "coming soon."
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