Pokémon Go is hosting an event to celebrate buddy Pokémon from April 21 at 8 a.m. until April 27 at 10 p.m. in your local time.
Bonuses include double XP for evolving Pokémon and buddy candy coming in half the usual distance. Buddy Pokémon will also bring in more gifts and stick around for double the usual time after feeding them Berries or Poffins.
Alolan Meowth, Eevee, Feebas, Lillipup, Joltik, Illumise, and Volbeat will also be spawning from five kilometer eggs. All of these Pokémon except Feebas will also be spawning in the wild. Chansey will also be spawning more often, so it's a good time to try to score enough candy for a Blissey, if you still need one.
Illumise and Volbeat are usually migratory Pokémon, but are appearing everywhere throughout the event. They'll also be popping up Shiny for the first time.
There's also some Field Research for this event that rewards some of the themed Pokémon.
Pokémon Go Buddy Up 2020 event Field Research and rewards Task Reward Task Reward Take a snapshot of your buddy Volbeat encounter Play with your buddy Illumise encounter Earn a candy wakling with your buddy Woobat encounter Give your buddy a treat Alolan Meowth encounterThere'll be an Abra Community Day on April 25, which overlaps with this event. Using Lucky Eggs as you evolve a ton of Abra will give a juicy amount of XP if you're still on the grind to level 40.
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