Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Pokemon Go's Landorus Raids Are Being Extended

Pokemon Go's latest Legendary Pokemon, Landorus, is sticking around a little longer. The Legendary Ground/Flying type was originally scheduled to leave the game today, April 21, but you'll now have some more time to capture it if you haven't already.

As Niantic announced on the official Pokemon Go website, Landorus will now remain in the game until 1 PM PT / 4 PM ET on April 28, giving players one additional week to catch it. Until that time, Landorus will appear in Gyms around the world as a five-star Raid boss. If you need help battling it, be sure to check out our Landorus Raid guide.

In other Pokemon Go news, Niantic is holding a buddy event in the game from April 21-27. During that time, Pokemon like Alolan Meowth, Chansey, Eevee, Feebas, Lillipup, and Joltik will appear in the wild and hatch from eggs much more often than usual. The region-exclusive Pokemon Volbeat and Illumise will also appear around the world, and you'll have a chance of encountering their Shiny forms.

Later this week, Niantic will also host Pokemon Go's delayed Abra Community Day. The event was originally scheduled for March 15 before being postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It will now take place on April 25 and will run for six hours instead of the usual three.

Niantic also has some more adjustments in the works for Pokemon Go to make it easier to play from a personal setting. The developer will soon introduce Remote Raid Passes that let you join Raid Battles from home. You'll also soon be able to activate multiple Lucky Eggs, Star Pieces, and Incenses at a time, and power up your Pokemon much more quickly by feeding them multiple Candies and Stardust at once.

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