Friday, March 20, 2020

‘A Drive To Investigate’: The 3 Things You Need To Know Before Buying A Ticket To Pokémon GO’s Genesect Event

Pokemon GO

Credit: Niantic

It’s time for another global ticketed event here in Pokémon GO, even if the timing could be...better. The particular real-world proposition of Pokémon GO has necessarily been disrupted by the spreading coronavirus, and now Niantic is having to adjust its unique gameplay to keep people from going outside and congregate in groupsâ€"two of the major things that the game is designed to do on a normal day. These adjustments certainly apply to the upcoming “A Drive to Investigate” event, so here’s what you need to know about it.

It’s a special research event for the mythical Pokémon Genesect, like “A Colossal Discovery”: The basic format here is the same as the earlier event for Regigigas. You buy a ticket to an event, but that takes place everywhere: what it gets you is access to a special research quest chain that eventually gets you the mythical creature. In this case, it also gets you a shot at Durant, which is a boon to anyone living in Heatmoor territory.

It’s been adjusted so that you can play it solo, and likely from your couch: Niantic has retooled the event in response to the coronavirus crisis, and that means you won’t need to meet up with anyone else for raids. We’ll have to wait until we can see the actual quest steps to confirm this, but hopefully this combined with recent changes to incense means that you’ll be able to complete it without going outside at all. Polygon is reporting that tasks include:

  • Catch Pokémon of various types
  • Play with your Buddy
  • Power up Pokémon
  • Battle another Trainer (this includes Go Battle Leauge)
  • Hatch Eggs
  • Adventure sync makes it easier to hatch eggs inside your house, so if this is really the list, it should be compatible with in-home playing.

    You have a week to claim/complete:If your schedule has been completely thrown by kids staying home from school or some other coronavirus-related disruption, don’t worry. You need to log into the game sometime between March 20 and March 26 to get the task, and it doesn’t seem like it will take long to complete. With A Colossal Discovery also let us complete slightly altered tasks after the initial window, so we’ll likely see something similar here.

    Genesect will also be coming to EX Raids, so we’ve theoretically got a chance to get it sometime in the future, when EX Raids are a viable life choice again.

    Pokémon GO is compromised by coronavirus but not impossible to play. If you do choose to go outside, remember to remain 6 feet away from anyone else on the street. You should, however, stay at home as much as possible.

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