Monday, March 23, 2020

'Pokémon Go' Genesect Special Research Event: Start Time, Tasks & What You Need to Know

The next special research event in Pokémon Go is about to begin and features the Mythical Pokémon, Genesect.

This powerful Bug and Steel-type Pokémon has mysterious origins but has one of the most unique attacks in all of Pokémon. However, unlike past events that feature Mythical Pokémon, Genesect can only be obtained via a special item purchased by trainers for a limited time.

Similar to the Regigigas event in 2019, trainers who purchase this item will get an early attempt at catching Genesect. The special pass costs $7.99, but Niantic assures trainers the tasks needed to complete it can be done from the safety of their homes during this trying time.

Here's all the information you need to know about the Genesect event including when it starts, ends and what in-game bonuses you can take advantage of.


The Pokémon Go Genesect event begins Friday, March 20 at 8 a.m. local time and ends Thursday, March 26 at 10 p.m. local time.


Update: Here's the official tasks for the Genesect event:

  • Battle another trainer five times
  • Catch 25 Normal-type Pokemon
  • Give your Buddy 1 Treat
  • Power up Pokemon 5 Times
  • Catch 25 Fire-type Pokemon
  • Send 3 Gifts to friends
  • Transfer 3 Pokemon
  • Catch 25 Water-type Pokemon
  • Hatch an Egg
  • Make 3 Great Throws in a Row
  • Catch 25 Electric-type Pokemon
  • Play with your Buddy
  • Battle a Team Leader 3 Times
  • Catch 25 Ice-type Pokemon
  • Take 3 Snapshots of Genesect
  • There are special research tasks going on as well. The reward encounters are always either Scyther, Shieldon, Skarmory or Nincada.

  • Catch 10 Pokemon
  • Make 2 Great Throws in a Row
  • Make 5 Nice Throws
  • Take snapshots of Genesect
  • Spin Pokestops
  • Trade a Pokemon with a Friend
  • The actual tasks needed to catch Genesect in Pokémon Go remain unknown. The latest update of Pokémon Go had the tasks, which were found by dataminers. The incomplete strings are listed below.

  • Catch (?) Pokémon
  • Trade a Pokémon with a friend
  • Make (?) Great Throws in a Row
  • Make (?) Nice Throws
  • Spin (?) PokeStops
  • Take a Snapshot with Genesect
  • However, a Niantic rep informed Newsweek that the research tasks have shifted to make it so trainers can complete them on their own. They will include the following tasks:

  • Catch Pokémon of various types
  • Play with your Buddy
  • Power up Pokémon
  • Battle another Trainer (this includes GO Battle League)
  • Hatch Eggs

    As for in-game bonuses, Normal, Fire, Water, Electric, and Ice-type Pokémon will be appearing more frequently in the wild.

    Nincada, the Ground and Bug-type Pokémon will be hatching more often from 5km Eggs and its Shiny form will make its debut in Pokémon Go. Karrablast and Shelmet will also hatch more often from 5km Eggs.

    The Raids will shift to feature more Steel and Bug-type Pokémon. We will update this section with the Raid Bosses when the event goes live.

    Trainers will also enjoy double the catch and hatch stardust to help them power up their Pokémon.

    What do you think of the upcoming Genesect event? Let us know in the comments section.

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