Sunday, March 1, 2020

‘Pokémon GO’ Gengar/Nidorino Party Had Raid Day: Start/End Times, Shiny And Counters

Gengar in Pokemon GO

Credit: Niantic

Here’s something that I like about Pokémon GO’s upcoming Gengar/Nidorino raid day. No, it’s not that both Pokémon will be wearing party hats, though that’s a nice bonus, particularly with ol’ Gengar, there. It’s that I believe this is the first event of its kind to feature a solo-able raid. That seems to be the idea with having the two of them: people can meet up and team up to take on Gengar, but the solo player can still take advantage of the five free raid passes and take out some Nidorino. I’ll take it: I like doing raids solo, even if I hate waiting for that little timer. Let’s get into times, movesets and counters for this upcoming event.

Start/End Times: The Gengar and Nidorino raid day will run from 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM local time on Sunday, March 1.

Counters: Two Pokémon to worry about this time around, but one of them is super easy.

  • Gengar: Gengar is a Ghost/Poison type, which opens you up to some counters that wouldn’t work if it were a pure Ghost type. Here are some good options:
  • Giratina with Shadow Ball and Shadow Claw
  • Darkrai with Snarl and Shadow Ball
  • Mewtwo with Confusion/Psychic
  • Espeon with Confusion and Future Sight
  • Groudon with Mud Shot and Earthquake
  • Nidorino: This should be no problem for most trainers, but here are some good counters to make things even quicker. Poison typing means a lot of overlap with Gengar:
  • Mewtwo with Confusion and Psychic
  • Espeon with Confusion and Future Sight
  • Giratina with Shadow Claw and Shadow Ball.
  • Shinies: Gengar is very subtle, with a slightly darker purple to distingusih the Shiny:

    Nidorino is classy, with a blue, rather than purple, coloring:

    It will take some doing to get both of these things shiny, but if you’re a die hard collector this Party Hats aren’t something you can rightly pass up. Gengar could get some play, as well: Lick, in particular, is a very useful move for generating energy. If you lose Psychic and pair it with Shadow Ball, you’ve got an excellent Ghost-type attacker. I always like getting event Pokémon in the mix, so I’ll try and get one of these partying fools to throw at raids.

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