It takes a lot to be a Pokémon Trainer. You need to catch the little cuties first, and then you need to really understand each one of them, and what makes them special. You need to learn what to feed them, how to train them, and how to evolve them. There's a reason why there are schools for trainers.
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Patience, dedication, empathy, and love. Those are the things that make a good Pokémon Trainer. But in the world of DC Comics, which heroes could do it? And which ones would be terrible Trainers? We have a few ideas. Here are five DC heroes who would be great Pokémon Trainers, and five who would be terrible at it...
10 Great Trainer: Animal ManKilled on a hunting trip and brought back to life by an alien race that also gave him the ability to take on the characteristics of any animal, even ones that are extinct, Animal Man would be a wonderful Pokémon Trainer. Not only can Animal Man take on the powers of the Pokémon he catches, but he can also communicate with them in a way no other Pokémon Trainer can - Animal Man would be able to understand what his Pokémon are saying.
As a father, Animal Man has learned to be patient teaching someone - or something - new things. And with his powers, Animal Man has learned to better understand and relate to animals, meaning he would truly care about his Pokémon. Animal Man could well be the greatest Pokémon Trainer of all time.
9 Terrible Trainer: John ConstantineWhile he may be a great magician, John Constantine would be a rubbish Pokémon Trainer. A cigarette in your mouth and a gin and tonic in your hand is no way to go about training Pokémon. Constantine isn't the most explosive guy in the DC universe, but he's not known for his great temper, and the cuteness of the Pokémon really doesn't fit his style at all. Though Constantine would probably like a few Pokémon. A Cubone, for example, wears their mother's skull as a helmet, and Constantine would likely find that quite interesting.
8 Great Trainer: Wonder WomanGrowing up on Themyscira, Wonder Woman learned to respect and appreciate all life, and that would for sure include Pokémon. With her big heart and caring mind, Wonder Woman would take the time needed to care for her Pokémon, giving them the love and attention they need while training them to be great warriors.
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The only issue Wonder Woman may have with Pokémon is the whole thing about keeping them in Poké Balls. As an Amazon, Wonder Woman is not a fan of entrapping living beings and forcing them to do things they don't want to do. Wonder Woman would let her Pokémon be free-range.
7 Terrible Trainer: ImpulseThe grandson of the second Flash, Impulse, grew up in the future and aged at a super-fast rate. To make sure his mind developed with his body, Impulse lived his first few years in a virtual reality simulation, and while the VR taught him how to read, write, and talk - among other things - it didn't teach him to be patient or to stay focused on the tasks at hand.
While he certainly has the right attitude to be a great Pokémon Trainer, Impulse's super short attention span would make it hard for him to properly train his Pokémon. If anyone was at risk of forgetting where they left their Poké Balls, it's the fastest grandson in the world.
6 Great Trainer: LoboThe Main Man may seem like a wild choice for a Pokémon Trainer, but it's important to remember what kind of life he leads. Yes, Lobo smokes and drinks just like John Constantine, and he's known for extreme bouts of violence, all of which are minuses to being a great Pokémon Trainer, but he does have the most important thing - a love for animals.
Along with his Space Dolphins, Lobo also cares for a crew of angry para-military penguins that follow him around. It's clear that Lobo has great empathy for cute animals, and the Pokémon fit that bill perfectly. And with his fighting skills, Lobo could train his Pokémon to be unstoppable.
5 Terrible Trainer: BatmanThis may seem like a shocker, but really consider Batman for a moment. We all think he's a great trainer, but Dick Grayson was already an expert acrobat when Batman made him Robin. Tim Drake was a fantastic detective before he met Batman, and then the Dark Knight sent his third Robin off to Japan to train. Damian Wayne was trained by the League of Assassins. The one Robin Batman actually trained - Jason Todd - became overconfident and got killed by the Joker. Heck, Alfred trained Ace the Bathound!
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Along with his poor training skills, Batman isn't the warmest hero out there. He tends to hold his feelings in and is really bad at showing people he cares about them. Poor training skills and a withheld personality are two of the worst traits a Pokémon Trainer can have.
4 Great Trainer: Harley QuinnYes, she has some very serious mental health issues that she should probably take care of before she starts training Pokémon, but there's no doubt that Harley Quinn could be a great Pokémon Trainer. Along with training her pet hyenas Bud and Lou, her past as a psychiatrist has taught Harley not only the importance of patience, but the value of being clear and concise about what you need from others if you are to help them. We also know that Harley Quinn has a big heart that is just looking for the right person, or Pokémon, to fill it up.
3 Terrible Trainer - Booster GoldWith his robot sidekick Skeets, Booster Gold already kind of has a Pokémon, it just happens to be made out of metal and smarter than him. But if you think about Booster's past with Skeets, you can see why he would be a terrible Pokémon Trainer. While he's come a long way over the years, Booster Gold still makes terrible decisions on a regular basis. Most of the time, those terrible decisions are made after Skeets tells him they're terrible decisions. Booster Gold is too focused on himself and his attempts to become rich and famous to be a great Pokémon Trainer.
2 Great Trainers: The Wonder TwinsThe Wonder Twins would be total opposites of Team Rocket. Zan is all about compassion and happiness, and Jayna has the discipline to train the Pokémon to be champions. Janya's powers to turn into any animal is also a bonus. She doesn't have the ability to talk to animals like Animal Man, but she could become the Pokémon she is training and show them exactly how to do something.
While Jayna is training the Pokémon, Zan, with his trusty monkey pal Gleek, is preparing their meals and taking care of the basic needs of their team. Together the Wonder Twins would activate a winning Pokémon team.
1 Terrible Trainer: SpectreAs the Avenging Wrath of God in physical form, the Spectre is a terrifying hero who fills even the most loving and warm heroes with dread. He has skulls for irises, walks around almost naked, and you can be pretty sure that small talk is not one of his superpowers. In the hundreds of comics that Spectre has appeared in, he has never been shown to be in any way empathetic. He's a stone-cold freaky fella, and that is exactly the opposite of what you want from a Pokémon Trainer.
NEXT: 5 Reasons Why Digimon Is Better Than Pokémon (& 5 Why Pokémon Will Always Be The Very Best)
Next 15 Most Powerful Legends Of Tomorrow, Ranked
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