Friday, March 13, 2020

Pokemon Go is changing to keep players safe amidst Coronavirus outbreak

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Niantic has made several changes to Pokemon Go to ensure the health and safety of players, including the postponement of the Abra Community Day.

In a new blog post, Niantic detailed a number of updates to Pokemon Go, notably without mention of the novel Coronavirus. But in a statement to Polygon, the company said the updates are "based on the current global health situation," and advised players to "make decisions on where to go and what to do that are in the best interest of their health and the health of their communities."

In an effort to encourage Pokemon Go players to enjoy the game "in individual settings," the following updates have been implemented and will remain in place "until further notice:" 

A 30-pack of Incense, which increases the frequency of monster spawns, is on sale for a single PokeCoin. Likewise, Incense now remains active for an hour. Incubators will now require half the usual steps to hatch Eggs, and PokeStops are dropping Gifts more frequently to reduce the amount of time players need to spend waiting. Finally, Pokemon habitats are increasing to make it easier for trainers to catch Pokemon closer to home, and more Pokemon are appearing in the WIld for the same reason.

Niantic is far from the only company taking action against the potential impact of the coronavirus, which is continuing to spread globally at an alarming rate. In the last 24 hours alone, COVID19 has led to delays to Fast and Furious 9, A Quiet Place 2, and three different Disney movies.

Feel free to distract yourself from the news with our complete Pokemon timeline, which sorts the games chronologically.

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