Friday, March 6, 2020

Pokemon Go's Darkrai Raid Weekend And Team Rocket Event Are Now Live

March is a busy month for Pokemon Go, with a variety of different events on the way over the next few weeks, including the kickoff of the Go Battle League's inaugural season. Two of this month's events are now live, both of which will run through Monday, March 9.

Team Rocket Takeover

First is the Team Rocket takeover. From now until 10 PM local time on March 9, Dark, Poison, and other Pokemon typically associated with Team Rocket will appear more often in the wild. The rare Dark type Absol is one of the Pokemon you'll be able to encounter, and you'll also have a chance to find a Shiny Skorupi for the first time in Pokemon Go.

During the event, there will be a surge in Team Rocket activity on Saturday, March 7, from 2-5 PM local time. During that window, more Poke Stops will be under the control of Team Rocket grunts. Team Rocket leaders Sierra, Arlo, Cliff, and even Giovanni will also be more active during this time. Not only will you earn twice the usual amount of Stardust for defeating the leaders, there's a chance the Shadow Pokemon you rescue from them could be Shiny.

Darkrai Raid Weekend

In addition to the Team Rocket takeover, the Mythical Pokemon Darkrai has returned to the game for a limited time. You'll be able to encounter the Mythical Dark type in five-star Raids until 10 PM local time on March 9. Not only does this give you another chance to add the powerful Pokemon to your team, but this time, the Darkrai you face may also be Shiny. If you need help catching it, be sure to check out our Darkrai Raid guide.

There are a lot more events on the horizon for Pokemon Go this month. The Psychic Spectacular returns starting March 27. Before that, Niantic will hold March's Community Day, which will feature the Psychic-type Pokemon Abra. The Gen 5 Legendary Thundurus is also available in Raid Battles, and there's a new set of Field Research tasks. Each time you complete a Research Breakthrough this month, you'll earn an encounter with the Grass/Steel Pokemon Ferroseed.

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